MiHoYo’s Genshin Impact is an unlimited multiplayer action-adventure RPG. With each character being unique and characters being published regularly, the game comes with a great deal of customization as you combine and interchange any four individuals to construct your team as you explore the world.
The game is set in the magnificent and spacious world of Tayvat, which is made up of seven great towns, each controlled by a deity. With components and treasures to locate, objectives to accomplish, puzzles to answer, chests to unlock, enemy & boss encounters to conquer, and dungeons to explore, you’ll never be bored.
After being caught at the start of the play, you must undertake your adventure to locate your kidnapped twin. By making requests, you might assemble a team of players with varied strengths and powers as you acquire yet more available creatures.
Learn about the best Genshin Impact voice actors. Each player has a huge number of voiceovers that blend in perfectly under various scenarios, including when it’s pouring and when you’re sitting motionless. These speech lines may be accessible via the personality option and are distinct from the figure you are playing as. Explore the game’s fascinating personalities by browsing the best Genshin Impact voice actors.
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Toggle20. Amber (Kelly Baskin)

Amber has located in the Mondstadt area and employs both a bow and the Pyro aspect. She is the sole surviving Outrider of the Knights of Favonius and believes it is her job to assist the individuals of Mondstadt with any endeavor, major or little. Amber has honed her glider skills, winning the Mondstadt glider competition thrice. However, she has already had her certification canceled several times for breaking the regulations. She is an enthusiastic good leader due to her extroverted nature.
Kelly Baskin, a skilled yoga trainer and voice actress, has fewer credits than the usual Genshin Impact supporting character. She has, nonetheless, proved her exceptional skill in television series and videogame appearances.
19. Barbara (Laura Stahl)

Barbara Pegg is a Gunnhildr clan member who wields a catalyst and employs the Hydro aspect. She is diligent and charming, yet she is also clumsy. Barbara’s curing talents may treat physical diseases, and the inhabitants of Mondstadt claim that simply witnessing her can put your worries vanish. They also claim that just seeing her may encourage them. She is well-liked by the residents of her hometown. She questions her ability and significance. Laura Stahl is the Genshin Impact voice performer for Barbara and Xinyan in the English release. She has demonstrated her expertise in many games and characters on television.
18. Beidou (Allegra Clark)

Beidou is pitted against a claymore and the Electro component. She is a member of The Crux, a group of highly armed mariners in her city of Liyue. She has indicated that she is accustomed to spending a lot of hours at sea than on the ground and that she’s been a regular violator of the area’s norms. On the other hand, she has no issue paying her penalties. Beidou is well-known for the embellished tales that others tell about her.
Allegra Clark is the outstanding Genshin Impact voice performer that represents Beidou. She has voiced figures in several high-profile video games and anime television series.
17. Bennett (Christina Vee Valenzuela)

Bennett employs the Pyro aspect in conjunction with his weapon. The Adventurers Guild of Mondstadt raised him when an elder explorer spotted him as a newborn. He used to be afraid of mortality, but he’s starting to rethink his mind. Bennett is an adventurer who believes that exploring mysteries and surprises will lead to a better death. He understands that if he spends his life in this manner, people would celebrate his exploits at his death rather than feel unhappy for him, just as his teacher who brought him in did.
Bennett is well-known for his misfortune. As disaster appears to accompany him, almost every part of “Benny’s mission squad” quits, isolating him as the sole survivor. Katheryne of the Adventurers Guild has not yet informed him of this.
Cristina Vee Valenzuela, who plays Xingqiu in Genshin Impact, has an impressive resume of voice-performing achievements. She has appeared in animated shows and games.
16. Chongyun (Beau Bridgland)

Chongyun, whose name implies “layers of clouds,” is a Cryo with a Claymore. Despite his eyesight (Cryo), he feels that exercising is the normal method to gain strength. Chongyun devotes his days to eradicating spirits as the successor to an exorcist family in the Liyue area. He was always blessed with strong yang power, which makes him adept in exorcisms, but he’s never really seen a soul because they recoil from him.
Beau Bridgland, a Genshin Impact voice performer, provides the wonderful voice of Chongyun. He’s also appeared in other games and on the program.
15. Diluc (Sean Chiplock)

Diluc, commonly known as the “Darknight Hero,” wields a Pyro and a Claymore. Diluc is decorated with diamonds and feathers as the richest and most gracious gentleman in his native area of Mondstadt. He owns the Dawn Winery and is well-known in high society. Even though he is no more a member of the Knights of Favonius, he remains to safeguard Mondstadt in whatever manner he can.
Sean Chiplock is a skilled Genshin Impact voice performer that plays Diluc. He has a long number of performing appearances for well-known video games and animated television series.
14. Fischl (Brittany Cox)

Luftschloss Fischl Amy, the actual name of Narfidort, is an Electro figure who wields a bow. She serves as a detective for the Adventurers Guild of Mondstadt with her night raven. She can be odd and bizarre. Fischl has, nevertheless, earned the guild’s esteem for her great labor.
Brittany Cox is the Genshin Impact voice performer that plays Fischl in the game’s English edition—her other gaming and television appearances.
13. Keqing (Kayli Mills)

Keqing is an electric character that uses a sword to beat her opponents. She forges her path in life, ignoring the views of others. She thinks there is no greater force than humans and that they can shape their destiny. Keqing has a high level of commitment and tries hard to demonstrate it.
Kayli Mills is the Genshin Impact voice actress that plays Keqing. She has vocal achievements in animated shows and video games.
12. Klee (Poonam Basu)

Klee is a pyro creature with a catalyst weapon element. Her protection has been entrusted to the Knights of Favonius, who identify her as the Spark Knight, as the child of Alice, the adventurer. She is fascinated by everything that can detonate and has a special ability to make explosives. She adores her idea of fishing, “fish blasting.” Moreover, she saves time by just throwing an explosive into a pond rather than using a net.
Poonam Basu is a New York-based actress, screenwriter, and director. She plays Klee in Genshin Impact and has numerous characters in games and TV.
11. Lisa (Mara Junot)

Lisa uses the electrical element and her catalyst armament in Genshin Impact. Lisa has been the most outstanding student in her group, hailing from the Mondstadt district. She is now becoming the Knights of Favonius’ librarian.
Although Lisa does not appear to love hardworking, she views late book submissions seriously, and there is also a quest centered on it. She avoids the common area of the library and wants to enjoy her life in the restricted area. The other individuals characterize her as nice but are also aware of her fury. Lisa’s voice performer in Genshin Impact is Mara Junot. The majority of my voice-acting career is in-game.
10. Mona (Felecia Angelle)

Mona Megistus is a Hydro figure that employs a catalyst as her type of weapon, and she escaped to Mondstadt for protection after reading her master’s diary accidentally. She plans to surpass her instructor, a skilled Hydromancer, and astrologer, and become renowned as the globe’s most remarkable.
Mona is a gifted astrologer, but she avoids exploiting he skilor income. As a result, she is usually short on funds and may be spotted thrifting. This has also taught her how to cook with little supplies. Mona is dedicated to her astrological profession but has several remarkable abies. Felecia Angelle from Louisiana, USA, voices Mona in Genshin Impact. She has portrayed a variety of roles in television, cinema, and animation.
9. Ningguang (Erin Ebers)

Ningguang, which signifies “condensed light,” battles a catalyst while employing the Geo element. She is among the seven ruling leaders of the Liyue Qixing and the owner of the city’s floating jade hall.
Ningguang has considerable power in Liyue as a Tianquan. She is well-known for her hard work and determination to become extremely wealthy. Following her less affluent beginnings, earning profit through her firm was her objective. She is astute and would use individuals as puppets in her search for information, but if she has been aware of their flaws. As a result, many individuals in Liyue have a love-hate relationship with her since she is merciless but helps the town’s development with her influence. Erin Ebers plays Ningguag, and she has fewer qualifications than the majority of Genshin Impact voice actresses.
8. Noelle (Laura Faye Smith)

Noelle holds a claymore and creates a barrier with the Geo element. Like other youngsters in Mondstadt, she has always wished to become a knight. She is now a maid for the knights of Favonius but hopes to enter the fold someday.
Noelle utilizes her position as a maid to observe the knights, how they speak, how they behave, and the old practices. Noelle has a strong motive and is always willing to go over and above the call of duty to impress her coworkers. Lisa, the knights’ commander, even feels that the more job she is assigned, the better she is. Her zeal to assist others has a drawback in that individuals might reap the benefits of her generosity. Laura Faye Smith, who has a range of live-action and voice-casting credentials, provides the English version of Noelle in Genshin Impact.
7. Qiqi (Christie Cate)

Qiqi, which symbolizes “seven-seven,” is a Cryo figure in Genshin Impact. Before serving at Liyue Harbor’s clinic, she was resurrected as mercy by the Adepti. Because of the favor, her body can never longer perish. It has granted her a very poor memory.
Qiqi regularly makes records of any crucial data or chores that she does because she misses many subjects. Suppose she could recheck her notepad regularly. She serves as an apprentice collector at the clinic and is regarded to be emotionless. Following her resurrection, she must assign herself or be assigned chores that could be rejected. As a result, she treats her profession very carefully. Christie Cate contributes her voice to the role of Qiqi as a Genshin Impact voice performer.
6. Razor (Todd Haberkorn)

In Genshin Impact, Razer employs both the Claymore and the electrical element. Razer was left as a newborn by the Wolf of the North, Andrius. He then grew up with the pack of wolves in Wolvendom until he communicated with humanity again.
Razor is usually seen in the woods feeding with his pack of wolves kin. He likes people, but because of his pack’s status, other people seldom come into contact with him. Razor learns to speak in whole phrases and eat that’s not flesh after only a few brief encounters with other humans. His nature is halfway between human and wolf, which allows him to sprint with extraordinary grace. Todd Haberkorn is Razor’s English voice performer.
5. Sucrose (Valeria Rodriguez)

Sucrose, from Mondstadt, wields a Catalyst and is of the Anemo element. She works as an alchemist with the Knights of Favonius, assisting Albedo and excelling in bio-alchemy. She is incredibly curious about the things surrounding her and everyone in it.
Sucrose attempts to change living creatures with her alchemy powers. This frequently results in bizarre inventions that have surely helped the science of bio-alchemy. She enjoys experimenting and invests a considerable time investigating to uncover the mysteries of life forms while also manipulating them for betterment. She is devoted to her profession and seldom stays away, and when she is doing, she is generally bored. Valeria Rodriguez has less acting experience than other Genshin Impact voice performers.
4. Traveller (Zach Aguilar/ Sarah Miller-Crews)

The Traveller is the primary lead of Genshin Impact, with a sword as their weapon type. You select their gender marker at the start of the match, giving them greater customization than every featured player. You would be able to adjust this hero’s elemental skill as you tour the realm of Tayvat.
The player determines this personality with speech selections and game style. You are given several alternatives for giving answers if they are aggressive, caustic, or modest. At the start of the game, the Traveller and their companion are trying to escape Tayvat. A mysterious faith then kidnaps your companion, and you awaken soon to start your mission to locate them. Zach Aguilar is the Genshin Impact voice performer that brings Aether, the male form of the Traveller, into existence.
3. Venti (Erika Harlacher)

Venti is a bow-wielding Anemo figure whom players would encounter early on in Genshin Impact. Barbatos, the Anemo Archon of Mondstadt, is masked as a youthful minstrel. Venti’s Anemo talent is sometimes manifested as feathers since he appreciates something as breezy and airy as the Anemo component itself. He enjoys pleasant dialogue, particularly when dandelion wine is included.
Venti appreciates the simple lives of a bard, trading shows for beer and spending time with the folks of his district. He’s generally seen at the pub, performing old tunes on his lyre harp or reciting poetry. He is incredibly good with song and has earned the title of the finest bard in Mondtadt several times. He also enjoys singing in his daily speech. Erika Harlacher provides the wonderful voice of Venti in Genshin Impact.
2. Jean (Stephanie Southerland)

Jean is a sword-wielding person in Genshin Impact who has the Anemo element. She is the Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius and assigns duties to the specialists under her command. She would assist you early on in your voyage and works diligently to support the residents of Mondstadt, all with their finest concerns in mind. Jean is also Barbara’s sister and a Gunnhildr Clan descendent.
In Genshin Impact, Stephanie Southerland offers an outstanding appearance as Jean. She has also done voice work for video games and animated shows.
1. Kaeya (Josey Montana McCoy)

As a weapon, Kaeya employs the cold element in conjunction with a sword. He is said to have originated from someplace else, but he currently resides in the Mondstadt area and is one of the first persons you will meet in-game. As a famous Knight of Favonius, he is Jean’s most valued assistant and serves as the leader. He is well-liked in Mondstadt and takes his task of maintaining its folks secure extremely carefully.
Josey Montana McCoy has a limited-performing resume for a Genshin Impact voice performer. He started his professional in 2014 and has played a variety of roles ever since.