Peacemaker is an American TV series made by James Gunn based on the DC character – Peacemaker. This series is the first-ever extended series from DC, available on HBO Max. John Cena played the role of the protagonist in “Peacemaker.”
There were other famous stars in the supporting characters, such as Danielle Brooks, Freddie Stroma, Chukwudi Iwuji, Jennifer Holland, Steve Agee, and Robert Patrick. This series has a total of 8 episodes, which were released on January 13, 2022, and the rest was released weekly until February 17.
The debut season of Peacemaker has gained enormous viewership and was in the limelight after its closer episode of Season 1. Episode 1 of the Peacemaker series was titled “It’s Cow or Never.” The people who like to know it all will be partially satisfied with the ending of the season because some things were left unexplained to make the viewers glued to the screen for season 2 of Peacemaker.
It can be said to be the greatest work of James Gunn, who wrote this story at the beginning of COVID-19, to vent out its frustration and anxiety. This 8-episode series caused chaos among viewers, and all of them were seen praising the storytelling skills of a writer as this is his first television series. This Suicide spin-off is proof that a series can be a successful mix of trust, betrayal, familial conflict, jokes, pet love, and many more.
All About Peacemaker Ending
In the last episode of “Peacemaker,” the Peacemaker and the 11th St. Kids were seen stopping the butterfly from invasion. The team successfully uses a sonic boom from the Peacemaker helmet and dislocates the barn and cavers housing the Butterfly particular cow. Harcourt and Vigilante were shot, whereas Peacemaker made his way to the underground.
Leota backed up the Peacemaker and kicked the butterflies off. Goff Butterfly asks Peacemaker for help teleporting their cow to a safe place. But Peacemaker ended up refusing Goff’s offer and killing the cow.
Peacemaker At the End of the Series?
He is shown going back to his trailer with Eagley and The Goff Butterfly guest. The Peacemaker gave the last drops of the cow goo to the Goof and fed the alien. The Peacemaker’s dad sits beside him, and Eagley places a dead possum in front of them as the camera fades away.
Season 2 Speculations?
It is very obvious from the ending of Season 1 of Peacemaker that there will be Season 2, considering the fame and popularity gained by this season. The show has been an HBO hit of the year. Gunn makes no official statement regarding the release date of Season 2. It will be shot and aired as soon as the show’s whole cast gets free from their busy schedules.
Peacemaker’s Post-Credit Scene
Do all the DC fans know that most of their movies have post-credit scenes? That is why this question was raised Whether “Peacemaker” has a post-credit scene or not? Unfortunately, the answer is “NO.”