The Good Doctor is an ongoing American medical drama that has been created by gaining inspiration from a similarly titled show by Park Jae-bum from South Korean. This is the fifth season for the show after airing successful four-season before. David Shore has developed the series while Konshik Yu, Freddie Highmore, Shawn Williamson, Ron French, David Renaud, Min Soo Keeand Rebecca Moline have overlooked the production for Sony Pictures and ABC Studios.
The story revolves around an autistic doctor named Shaun who works at St BonaventureHospital and faces all challenges heads up. So far, 5 of its episodes have been out, and the sixth one is on its way. So let’s find out what episode 6 has for us.
Plot Speculations for Episode 6 of The Good Doctor Season 5
The upcoming episode 6 will show a possible tiff between Shaun and Alex regarding a patient the former has been treating. The case actually is that Shaun has two patients under him. A young girl with an O-negative blood type could live a normal healthy life if transplanted with a heart as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the other patient is counting his days in the hospital.
Alex believes that the person who is already on his death bed can possibly donate his organs to save the lives of other patients, including the young girl. But Shaun doesn’t want to give up on the patient easily and wants to try till the very end. The clashing opinions will lead to an argument between the two, so much so that Shaun will even think of reporting Alex for his unethical suggestion.
What happened in episode 5 of The Good Doctor Season 5
The previous episode 5 of The Good Doctor Season 5 showed us Salen, telling the doctors their reviews as given by the patients they treated. There were mixed outcomes, with Audrey having impressive feedback while Shaun is lacking a proper connection with his patients. Also, Salen was unhappy with Mateo not visiting the hospital for some time while Shaun, on the other hand, looked after a recent patient named Mr. Song, who was injured in an accident.
Salen was disappointed with Mateo because he sent a patient to another hospital due to the lack of resources in their hospital. But Audrey supported Mateo and even went against Salen for that. This leads her into another country hospital by Marcus, which agitates her further. She then eventually calls up Mateo to make him come back for her and not work.
On the other hand, the injured patient, Mr. Song, is being treated by Shaun and Alex. His daughter Emily wanted to file a report for his injury, but Mr. Song denied it. Instead, it turned out that Mr. Song had a tumor as well, which would either make him paralyzed or live not more than a year. Eventually, it was decided that the tumor would be operated on to save his life. As the episode concluded, Shaun was given his new scores for performing well.
When will Episode 6 of The Good Doctor Season 5 Release?
The upcoming episode 6 of The Good Doctor Season 5 is all set to be available for the viewers on November 15, 2021. The title for the upcoming episode is One Heart. The episodes will be released every Monday after this episode airs.
Where to Watch Episode 6 of The Good Doctor Season 5?
The sixth episode of the show can be watched at 10.00 pm ET on ABC. Other than this, Hulu can also be used to watch the show along with older seasons. The episodes can also be rented or purchased on platforms like Amazon Prime Videos, iTunes, Vudu.