The all-new Netflix documentary, “Countdown: Inspiration 4 Mission to Space,” is set to make history. It is a semi-live documentary series that will film the first civilians to go into earth’s orbit. Four civilians are making history as they become the first civilians to travel to space.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX is giving a chance to these four civilians to travel around earth’s orbit. Moreover, their take-off to space will be broadcasted live on September 15 on Netflix. The series will program the groundbreaking and historical event, Inspiration 4, as these civilians spend multiple days in earth’s orbit. We will have a brief discussion about the crew members later in the article.
When Will Episodes 3 & 4 of Countdown: Inspiration 4 Mission to Space Release
The first two episodes of Countdown: Inspiration 4 Mission to Space will premiere on September 6, 2021. Following the first two episodes, episodes 3 and 4 will release on September 13, two days before the actual launch. However, it is also rumored that Netflix will do a live stream of the launch on September 15.
The series will air its final episode at the end of this month. Moreover, Netflix also released a short trailer for the series, which says a lot about the crew. All the crew members are well trained and are provided with the best resources. Besides that, the one-minute trailer of the documentary series focuses on several aspects. For example, overcoming disabilities, fundraising, childhood dreams, growth, etc. Have a look at the trailer.
What is the Documentary Series All About?
Countdown: Inspiration 4 Mission to space will film everything about this space mission, from the astronauts to the launch. The series primarily focuses on four civilians who are traveling to space on SpaceX Dragon on September 15. However, the four civilians will orbit around the earth for three days.
Time Studios and Jason Heir are the producers and the directors of the show, respectively. Jeffery Kugler, Time’s chief science editor, stated that this space trip would open the gates for other people into space. The time isn’t far when non-astronauts will easily fly into space.
Moreover, several space companies are planning to introduce commercial space flights. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said that we must utilize the resources in extending life beyond space. This space voyage is the first one in history that will carry four civilians into earth’s orbit.
Meet the Crew of Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space
We meet four civilians in the trailer of Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space. The first among these four is billionaire Jared Isaacman. He has a history of entrepreneurship and has taken several risks in it. Besides that, he is also a fighter jet pilot and has some experience in flying. Henceforth, he is a perfect fit for this flight. Hayley Arceneaux will also join Isaacman on the trip.
She is a cancer survivor and a nurse who looks after children going through the same struggle. The other crew member is Chris Sembroski, who is an Air Force veteran. Moreover, Dr. Sian Proctor will also board the SpaceX dragon flight. Dr. Sion will hail as the fourth black woman in history to travel to space. She gets inspiration from her father, who has always inspired her to achieve great things in life. These people will go into earth’s orbit on September 15, 2021.