Hightown is a traditional American criminal television drama with a different story. Rebecca Cutter, Gary Lennon, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Johnathan Littman developed and created the show. Starz TV’s inaugural season was an immediate achievement, with the show breaking audience records across many online media.
Many viewers are starting to question if there will be a new season. If this describes you, you’ve come to the correct spot. We’ve got all you need to know about Season 3 right here.
What Is The Story About?
‘Hightown,’ a Starz crime drama, portrays Jackie Quinones, a National Marine Fisheries Service employee whose booze and the drug-addled world took an unconventional approach when she encounters the corpse of a dead woman. The circumstances that unfold following the shocking revelation lay the route for Jackie’s recovery.
An inquiry by investigators Alan Saintille and Ray Abruzzo into a homicide exposed the region’s organized violence and drug problem.
Worth Watching Or Not
The powerful drama was well-received by critics, who praised the outstanding acting and the gripping story. For fans of the Starz crime drama, it’s been a tumultuous trip. Everything looks to be building to a much larger, ongoing narrative rather than one that will be resolved in the remaining episodes. The previous seasons do an excellent job of introducing the storyline tale that keeps the audience interested.
In the early scenes of its first season, this program didn’t get a lot of viewers, but the ratings have grown considerably within the last 2 weeks. This implies that a large number of viewers watched the episode via postponed watching, which helped the show get renewed for a second season. Something same this might occur again.
Will Season 3 Happen Or Not
Starz has yet to make a formal announcement announcing the third season of ‘Hightown.’ However, the next wave is quite likely to be approved sooner rather than later. Ray Abruzzo’s actor, James Badge Dale, revealed in a conversation in October 2021 that the series storyline extends further than season 2.
We can only expect that the channel will order more installments shortly. Season 3 of ‘Hightown’ is set to premiere in 2022 if the program is renewed by early 2022.
Expected Story Plot For Season 3
If the show is renewed, we may anticipate season 3 to focus on the fallout from what happened to Frankie in season 2. Frankie may need to find a different plan to maintain his drug empire as a result of Jorge’s killing and Jackie and Alan’s attempts to clear up the area.
Jackie and Alan, on the other hand, are doubtful to be deterred from putting it their best. The possibility of a season 3 might shed insight on Ray’s life. As long as Frankie presents a risk to him and Renee, matters may get complicated.
Expected Cast For Season 3
If the Jackie Quiñones by Monica Raymund, Alan Saintille by Dohn Norwood, and Ray Abruzzo by James Badge Dale, the program is renewed, the series’s cornerstones are likely to return for a third season. Renee Segna by Riley Voelkel, Osito by Atkins Estimond, Frankie Cuevas by Amaury Nolasco, Leslie Babcock by Tonya Glanz, and several others may return. If the new season is approved, we might expect to see some new faces.