Twenty-Five Twenty-One is a popular South Korean television series by Heo Seok-won and Park Hun-Joo. The show premiered on 12th February 2022 and has been directed by Jung Ju Hyun. The ratings of the episode of the series are increased by every upcoming episode in the last few weeks.
It Indicates that the fans are liking this show more and the series is making a special place in the heart of its followers. The show is also starring some of the most amazing Korean casts including Kim So Hyun and Ko Ye Rin. Some of the other casts featured in this show are Kim Tae Ri, Bona, Naam Joo Hyuk, Choi Hyun Wook, Seo Jae-hee, and Lee Jo Myung.
The plot of this Korean drama revolves around a lovely and kind-hearted girl and an honest and hardworking young man. If you are also following Twenty-Five Twenty One Korean drama, you must be excited to know what’s gonna happen next. Let’s have a look at episode 9 of this ongoing South Korean television series.
Episode 9 Release Date
The ninth episode of this Korean drama is set to be released on 12th March 2022. You can enjoy this show at 21.10 pm according to Korean Standard Time on Saturday. There is a total of 16 episodes in the first season of this Korean series. Every episode has a run time of sixty to seventy minutes in this Korean tv series.
Episode 8 Recap
Well, episode 8 started with a recording that shows that Yi Jin was confessing to Dae Eun. The following morning, Hee-do starts investigations on the identities of Yi-previous jin’s lover. She fine a little about Park Da-Eun in an old yearbook. She becomes very angry and vents her anger in her diary. Her mom checks her at night when Hee does rushes to the bedroom. But, she thinks that Hee-do is sleeping so she leaves the room quietly.
We also got to see little romantic moments in the episode when Hee-Do was falling and Yi-Jin caught her. It happened in the toilet where the boys were rushing due to a rumor of the toiler ghost. Apart from that, we also got to see some more jealous, intense, and sweet moments the very next day.
In fact, Hee-Do became more jealous when she got to know that Dae Eun and Yi-Jin has dated for a period of time. But later, the jealousy turned into something sweet when Yi-Jin carried Hee-Do in his arms. You must be wondering why, well it happened as Hee-Do injured her ankles in the exercise. As our male lead, was watching that, he rushed for the aid of our sweet Hee-Do.
Spoiler for Episode 9
Episode 9 of twenty-five and twenty-one can be expected to be filled with little surprise, romantic moments, jealousy, struggle, and friendship. We might get to see Yi-Jin and Hee-Do confessing their love and facing their feelings for each other in the episode. We could also get to see Hee-do and Yu-rim reducing their hatred for each other. And whether will Hee-Do end up with Yi-Jin or someone else, we will also find it in upcoming episodes.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
As Twenty Five Twenty One is quite popular, you can enjoy this show easily on multiple platforms. But, the official site to enjoy this Korean television series is only Netflix with the subscription. You can also watch the latest episode on Dramacool and other streaming sites.