Under the Banner of Heaven is a true-crime drama miniseries created by Dustin Lance Black. The show is based on the book Under the Banner of Heaven written by Jon Krakauer. It first aired on the 28th of April, 2022. The show shows us the police detective Jeb Pyre’s faith shaken after the proceedings of a murder investigation of a Mormon mother and her infant was linked to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The show airs an episode every week and we’re now on episode 7. Here’s all you need to know.
Episode 7 Release Date
Under the Banner Episode 7 is due to release on the 2nd of June, 2022. The episode is titled “The Blood Atonement”.
Recap of the Last Episode
In the sixth episode, Ron takes the role of “The Mighty and Strong”. Brenda on the other hand decided to divorce Allen. The Mormon folk try to get her to not divorce. Jeb is shattered when he learns the truths that the investigation uncovers and continues to question his belief system.
Spoilers for Episode 7
More information about the murders becomes available and Pyre and Taba launch a manhunt to find the killers and track them down. Doing this before they can “blood atone” for the killings on their list becomes their priority. The episode will focus more on the main plot now and should be just as thrilling and entertaining as the last one.
The Cast for Season 7
Andrew Garfield plays lead Jeb Pyre; Gil Birmingham plays Detective Bill Taba who assists with the murder investigation. Jeb’s wife Rebecca Pyre is played by Adelaide Clemens. Josie Pyre, Jeb’s mother in the series is played by Sandra Seacat. Brenda Lafferty, the murder victim is played by Daisy Edgar Jones.
The show has Dustin Lance Black as the screenwriter and David Mackenzie as the director. The show is produced by Hungry Jackal Productions, Aggregate Films, and Imagine Television FXP. It is distributed by Disney Platform Distribution.
Viewer Response to the Series
Under the Banner of Heaven has a rating of 7.5/10 on IMDb and a similar score on Rotten Tomatoes. The show averaged a 77% audience score. That is a respectable overall score for this crime drama.
Should You watch Under the Banner of Heaven?
If you’re a crime show fanatic, Under the Banner of Heaven is a show for you. However, the show has gained a lot of popularity and positive criticism so there’s not much to lose watching it. With the ratings being respectable and a pretty good audience score, the show seems to hold a place in the good section of people’s minds. So definitely do give it a watch, it will be worth it.
Where is Under the Banner of Heaven Available?
Under the Banner of Heaven is available on Hulu. Subscriptions start at $8.99 a month. The show is also set to air on Disney+ shortly. We have no trailer as of now for the final episode although the trailer for the series is available on YouTube.