Black Summer is an American television series. John Hyams and Karl Schaefer created it. The story is set six weeks after a zombie apocalypse. Rose, a mother who’s been separated from her daughter, named Anna, sets out on a journey to find her. Stuck with a rather small group of refugees in North America, she battles through the conditions and makes brutal decisions to survive the deadliest summer of the apocalypse.
The show was first released on Netflix on the 11th of April, 2019. The Asylum produces it. They were also behind the show Z Nation. Black Summer was written predominantly by John Hyams, with additional episodes written and directed by Abram Cox.
Black Summer Season 3, When Will It Release?
Netflix has announced the renewal and premier date of Black Summer Season 3. New episodes will be available on the 16th of June, 2022.
The Plot For Season 3
Unlike Season 1, which answered all its questions as it came to a close, Season 2 has a lot of cliffhangers. Season 2 centered around the survivors getting to the airstrip. They planned on boarding the plane that was dropping supplies around there and getting somewhere safe. Of all the survivors that got to the airstrip, Only Sun managed to board the plane. Season 3 should answer if Sun got somewhere safe.
The fate of Rose and Anna also remains to be seen. After Rose injured her leg, Anna chose to stick with her, and now the two of them needed to figure out what to do with the plane gone. Rose is losing motivation to survive the apocalypse. Anna, however, is strong as ever and determined to survive. Will Anna be able to take Rose over the top to survive, or will Rose not make it through? This is another question that will need to be answered.
The Cast
The expected cast includes Jaime King playing Rose, Christine Lee as Ooh Kyungsun (Sun), Zoe Marlett playing Anna, Jesse Lipscombe as Mance, and Bobby Naderi Ray was severely injured when Rose shot the fuel barrels. Hence, we’re not sure if he’ll be back.
The Brains Behind The Show
Black Summer was, as mentioned above, created by two men, Karl Schaefer and John Hyams. Hyams was in charge of writing and directing most of the episodes, with additional episodes done by Abram Cox. The Asylum does the production. Z Nation, which is more like a parent show, has a relationship with Black Summer in certain ways. There will likely not be any crossovers as both shows are timed very far apart, although they share the same production, writing, and directing staff. The relationship takes a similar approach to that between Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead.
Where To Watch
Black Summer Season 1 and 2 are available on Netflix, and so will the new season on the release date. Episodes should air every week, just like the previous seasons. I highly recommend watching the show as it is a thriller of an apocalyptic survival series. An absolute must-watch for me.