An American political thriller that stars Julia Roberts and Sean Paul , Gaslight is a limited television series. Other important characters are portrayed by actors Dan Stevens, Betty Gilpin, Shea Whigham and Darby Camp.
Based on the first season of podcast Slow Burn by Leon Neyfakh, it’s about The Watergate scandal and other untold stories. The story revolves around Martha Mitchell, a celebrity and a wife to the Attorney General of Nixon John N. Mitchell.
The Plot: Gaslight
John was an extremely loyal and devoted worker but Martha finds out about President Nixon’s involvement in Watergate and she was the first person to warm the public about it. This does cause her huge damages to the presidency and to her as well in her private life. John being the Attorney General has to choose between his wife Martha and the presidency.
John was short tempered, ruthless and wouldn’t think twice before shouting at anyone but he was madly in love with his wife, Martha. Martha was also an eccentric and outspoken person.
Julia Roberts plays the character of Martha Mitchell whil Sean Paul plays her husband John H. Mitchell. We see
Dan Stevens as John Dean, Betty Gilpin as Mo Dean, Shea Whigham as G. Gordon Liddy, Darby Camp as Marty Mitchell. The show was announced in February 2020 by Universal Content Productions. It premiered on April 24, 2022.
How well did the show do?
On rotten tomatoes the show Gaslight got got an average rating of about 7. 4/10. Out of the 42 people who reviewed for it gave it a highly positive reaction. The critics say that the show was an “acting extravaganza.”
Metacritic gave it a rating of 71/100z based on twenty eight critics. It basically got creative and much favorable reviews.
Also before we go any further, we’re sorry if you haven’t already seen the show and if we seem to be spoiling anything.
Number of episodes
The show is a limited episode series airing on STARZ. New episodes will premier on Sundays. It’s supposed to be a total of eight episodes long series.
The first episode, “Will” aired on Sunday April 24. The next on May 1, called the “California.” The third episode named “King George” aired on May 8. The fourth, “Malum in Se” on May 15.
Similarly the next four episodes will air on consecutive Sundays. The last episode is scheduled to be released on June 12.
About the Watergate scandal
The Nixon government continuously tried to cover up its involvement in the break-in Democratic National Committee headquarters, Washington DC, the Watergate officer building in June 1972.
When the five felons were caught, the money found on them was connected to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President. Later, it was found that Nixon tried to cover up the activities that occurred after the break in and also used federal agents to hamper the investigation.
This led to resignation of president Nixon and is one of the biggest political Scandal of America.