Frasier is a sitcom show based on the show Cheers. This is a US-based television show exclusively presented on the NBC network. The show started on September 16, 1993. And the last season was released on May 13, 2004. Then the show Frasier ended.
Frasier consists of 11 seasons and 264 episodes in total. The show was developed by David Angell, Peter Casey, and David Lee. The genre of the show was pure comedy, and the original distributor of the show was the CBS television network.
The show was categorized among the most acclaimed comedies of all time in modern television history. And it defines premium storytelling. Has a rating of around 8.2 out of 10 on IMDb and 95% on Rotten Tomatoes.
About Frasier Reboot
Now exactly after eighteen years after the discontinuation of the Frasier show, the show is getting a reboot. As a new series, This news was officially confirmed by the main character of the original show, Frasier Crane, played by Kelsey Grammer.
And one more good news is that the amazing Kelsey Grammer will also be seen in the reboot as the main lead as well as the executive producer of the reboot with Tom Russo and Jordan McMahon. The show is settled to be released on the Paramount Plus platform.
There is so much pressure on the shoulders of the Director as well as the actors because the original series ran for 11 seasons and is still on the list of best shows. Therefore the reboot of the show must have a brilliant creative plan and a relevant plot to make the audiences attached to the series.
Expected Release Date of the Frasier’s Reboot
The Reboot is going to be produced by Grammer’s production company, CBS Studios, and Grammnet Productions. The writers for the Reboot are going to be Chris Harris and Joe Cristalli. These writers have also worked for the show How I Met Your Mother and Life in Pieces.
Till now, there has been no official announcement for the release date of the Frasier reboot because the show is still in development, according to the creators of the show. In the year 2019, Kelsey Grammer and other members were working on the script of the show. And now, in the year 2022, the shooting of the reboot is getting finalized.
Firstly the team for the reboot told us that they are going to release it by June 2021. The fans were eagerly waiting for the confirmation, But the date got delayed to Spring of 2022. And till now, there has been no sign of the Frasier reboot trailer. Paramount Plus has yet to confirm the date.
But according to critics, the show will possibly be delayed because they are still working on the new show. Therefore the confirmed release date is yet to be disclosed.
The confirmed platforms for streaming Frasier’s Reboot are Paramount Plus, the CBS network. And later, several other OTT platforms will also be going to be added to the list for the worldwide release.
Possible Cast of the Frasier’s Reboot
In the year 2020, the main leads of the original Frasier series appeared in a show virtually in June. They came there to collect funds for the affected people who lost everything because of the Covid-19 pandemic. During that fundraising show, the star cast was asked about the Frasier revival, but none of them answered the questions.
And during the 25th-anniversary celebration of the original series, Kelsey Grammer said that he would not join the show unless the Co-Stars joined. The original show contained Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce ( played Frasier’s brother Niles), Jane Leeves, Peri Gilpin ( played Frasier’s producer role ), and John Mahoney ( played Frasier and Niles’s father role ) as the main cast.
Kelsey Grammer is confirmed in the reboot, but the other cast is not revealed yet. One of the lead actors, the late John Mahoney, who played Frasier’s dad role, died in 2018—leading to his exemption from the reboot.
Also, another actress Jane Leeves, who played Daphne Moon, said that she is not going to leave her current show for the Reboot. Therefore we are expecting that instead of playing as main leads in the reboot, the old cast will be seen doing a cameo in the new Reboot or the new chapter.
Frasier’s Plot
The story of the original Frasier series is about a titular character Dr. Frasier Crane, a Psychiatrist, who goes back to his home city Seattle, after his divorce and his bachelor’s life in Boston, which was shown in Cheers ( the spin-off Frasier ).
Things got complicated as he rejected his father’s ex-police officer Martin Crane’s post, which he is going to get after Martin’s retirement. His father got retired because of a gunshot injury during his duty.
Then, after all these things Frasier and Martin started living in their apartment together, where Daphne Moon joined them as a physical therapist. And in their apartment, Frasier’s brother Niles Crane became a frequent visitor.
Frasier also worked for a radio talk show as a radio psychiatrist, where he talked about his kindness, wisdom to others, and politeness. The entire series revolves around Frasier’s struggles, troubles, and family, which will make you laugh, emotional and relatable sometimes.
Frasier’s Reboot Plot Details
In 2019, the main lead Kelsey Grammer revealed slight hints about the Reboot’s story. He said that the next chapter will have Frederick as a significant factor. In the story, we will also see Kelsey Grammer reprising his iconic role for which the fans are eagerly waiting.
But the character of Dr. Frasier will have a different version as compared to the previous one. The character of Frasier can be described as a character ” rich beyond his dreams,” as said by Kelsey Grammer in the year 2021. But later in the year 2022, he denied that by saying that he meant it in an emotional way, not financially. The shooting city will be new, with a whole new adventurous theme. But the classic character of Frasier will always be in our hearts.
There are still so many questions related to the plot and release date of Frasier’s Reboot. And those are not yet answered by any of the previous cast members nor by the Director. But one thing is confirmed the reboot is happening, and probably the release will be premiered in 2023.