Some shows seize the audience’s attention, influencing gossips at work, online, and even in the group chats.
Love Is Blind is one incredible show in this category.
This Netflix reality show unites people who are dating without coming person-to-person, communicating via their personal “pods”. Then If they feel like they’re falling in love, the contestants get to propose. And if the other person accepts it, they both get to see to whom they were talking.
The pair then goes on a vacation together where they spend some time living together the day before their wedding.
Some then settle down and make it official by saying “yes”. Others take their separate roads.
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ToggleLove Is Blind Season 2: Will Show Come Back For A Sequel?
Netflix declared that the series would return for a sequel.
Brandon Riegg (Netflix VP of Nonfiction Series) said that it had been an incredible journey to see Netflix members taking an interest in the pure, genuine stories of real people.
They credit themselves for producing a good show for any taste. And their fans welcomed all of these series with such delight and passion. They look forward to bringing up more fun for their members.
Chris Coelen told Variety that he thinks they will do around 20 seasons.
He wants to see a season two or a season 12. He said while in an interview with that there could be around 15 or 20 seasons.
But coming back to season 2.
What do you need to know?
Love Is Blind Season 2: Are there any auditions for it? Who’s in it?
Chris Coelen expressed to the Entertainment Weekly that the casting department chooses the contestants. They reach out to people who they think would be authentically interested in this ample opportunity.
They want people who don’t just wanna do it for the attention. There’s a lot of places for individuals wishing to do stuff for attention. They want to deal with people who were full-heartedly interested in it.
The entire cast from season one was from Atlanta as the custom-built facility was located there.
They wanted all contestants to be presently living in the same place.
It’s too strenuous if some are from Tampa and others from Portland, which just further reduces the chances. We wanted to provide them with a real opportunity at working out their love and marriage.
Applications for season two are now open. People who are 21 or older can apply. All you have to do is go to the official sign up page and fill the form from there.
It indeed asks you if you are a US citizen, but it also you get the choice of putting a ‘no’ there. So, maybe they are accepting international applicants.
Love Is Blind Season 2: When Is The Sequel Going To Release?
The first five episodes of season one came up on Netflix on February 13, followed by episodes six to nine on February 20.
The finale came a week later.
But it’s not confirmed yet whether we’ll have to wait for the next year, or if we’ll get the latest episodes in 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop on most of the essential productions, So the show’s season two might premiere remarkably later than February 2021.