The famous Japanese Manga Series “One Piece” is written by Eiichiro Oda. Shueisha has published the comic. The manga series has been running till the present since July 22, 1997. One Piece has a total of 101 volumes. Not only that, but the manga series “One Piece” even has an anime television series of the same name.
This renowned and famous manga series even has a Guinness World Record. Do you know what it is? Well, don’t worry if you don’t know because here, in this article, we are providing you with all the information that you should be knowing about “One Piece.”
What Guinness World Record does the Manga Series “One Piece” hold?
The renowned and famous Manga Series, One Piece, holds the Guinness World Record for “the most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author.” It is indeed a huge achievement, and to be honest, and the comic deserves it. “One Piece” was the best-selling comic among all the other manga series for a consecutive eleven years. Between 2008-2018, the comic was termed as the best-selling manga series.
When was the Manga Series “One Piece” Honored with the Guinness World Record?
In the year 2015, the manga series got recognition for its amazing work. It was in that particular year only that it got added to the list of Guinness World Records. During that period, it had already released a total of seventy-seven volumes of the comic and successfully sold a total of 320,866,000 units of the same. The reach and the fanbase of the manga series are incredible, which in turn led the comic to secure a position among the Guinness World Records.
What About the Current Scenario of the Manga Series “One Piece”?
In the current scenario, the manga series is still running and is keeping on publishing its volume one after another. As of now, the comic has a total of 101 volumes. Presently, it has a total of 490 million copies circulated in 58 countries worldwide. This globally renowned comic has already set a benchmark and has created a history of its own.
The manga series will always be among those best-selling comics that will never be forgotten by its fan and will always keep its fan hooked with the storyline even if they start the comic all over again for the umpteenth number of times.
A Brief Synopsis of the Manga Series “One Piece”
The plot revolves around how the character “Monkey D.Luffy” set on an adventure to find out “One piece,” which is a mythical piece, and hence, he self-proclaims as “King of the Pirates.” Now, the question arises that why he went to find that piece? Well, it is all because of his favorite childhood idol named “Red-Haired Shanks.” He even went to the extent of creating his lot of pirates and named it “Straw Hat Pirates.” The group together set off on the journey to fulfill their dream.