Station Eleven is a ten-episode mini-series set in a post-apocalyptic world. A troop of misfits strives to survive in this dystopian drama released on HBO Max. Based on the book ‘Station Eleven’ by Emily St. John Mandel, this mini-series captures the book’s essence and portrays it beautifully on the screens.
Created by Patrick Somerville, this dramatic series is a box of twists and turns which keeps viewers hooked on the story. The unusual thing about this series was that the episodes were released in pairs making it full of suspense and thrill.
Why is Station Eleven Hyped So Much?
The attention garnered by Station Eleven’s storyline is due to its different approach to the world of post-apocalyptic survival. The show’s creators focused more on the trauma and the interwoven storylines of the different characters rather than delving into the cliche tropes of saving the world and destroying the evil virus.
What is the Buzz Around Station Eleven’s Plot?
The plot revolves around a performing troupe called the Travelling Symphony, which goes around performing on the road. Everything turns into chaos when they encounter a rogue group of children led by a man called the Prophet. The scintillating factor of the show is how deep the connections between individual characters exist and the way they discover their relations to each other.
The show has the audience glued to their screen right from the start when the lead actor of a play showcasing King Lear dies on stage. Then we jump ahead twenty years to find how a virus has killed most of humanity, and now it’s every man for himself.
Who are the Leads of the Station Eleven Series?
Kirsten, who is the star actress of Travelling Symphony, is played by Mackenzie Davis. When he dies on stage, Himesh Patel stars as Jeevan Chaudhary, the audience member who tried to help Arthur Leander, played by Gael Garcia Bernal. Nabhaan Rizwan plays his brother Frank Chaudhary.
The Prophet, also known as Tyler Leander, is portrayed by Daniel Zovatto. Others in the lead include Danielle Deadwyler as Miranda Carroll, Caitlin FitzGerald as Elizabeth, Lori Petty as Sarah, and Philippine Velge as Alexandra.
Why is Station Eleven so Relatable?
The central plotline of Station Eleven revolves around the survivors of a pandemic and how they deal with the destruction so many years later. This premise resonates with today’s audience as the world faces the Covid-19 pandemic. The sad atmosphere, the lingering loom of desperation, and the trauma faced by so many people click with the audience as they relate their mindset with those of the different characters onscreen.
Even though the book came out in 2015 and filming began in early 2020 when the coronavirus was relatively unknown, it is the only drama that has been filmed before and amidst a pandemic. Thus, it captures the essence and depth of the dystopian reality that the world lives in now.
Why Should You Watch Station Eleven?
If you’re a fan of dystopian survival series, this is a goldmine for your taste. But the greatest reward you get after watching Station Eleven is that it’s an intricately layered slow-burn drama that will encapsulate you in suspense.