British historical fiction TV show The Last Kingdom is inspired by Bernard Cornwell’s collection of novels called The Saxon Stories. The series made its debut in 2015 on BBC America, then on BBC Two, and three years later, it arrived on Netflix. The show is now in the news for its upcoming season 5. Last April in 2020, the series came back on the screens for a fourth season showing the adamant determination of Uhtred of Bebbanburg to face his opponents and get back his home.
About the Series The Last Kingdom
The TV show narrates the story of the birth of England in the 9th and 10th centuries. Seasons 1 to 4 of the show have been taken from the initial eight books from the collection of novels. The remaining 5 novels by Cornwell make up for the uncompleted story for an upcoming season and more. Continue reading to find out everything about the fifth season of The Last Kingdom and its anticipated release.
The Last Kingdom Fifth Season Release Date: When will it Hit the Screens?
Thankfully for all the fans, Netflix officially verified about the release of the upcoming season 5 of The Last Kingdom. Although there was no announcement regarding a fixed date for the release, Netflix announced that the fifth season would be the final and the last season for the British TV series The first four seasons of the TV series came out on the screens sporadically.
Seasons 1 and 2 to that it first came out on the BBC, aired in October 2015 and March 2017, respectively. Three years later, in 2018, the show was taken up by the famous streaming platform Netflix after which the third season onwards, the show has been running on Netflix only. Season 3 and 4 premiered in November 2018 and on April 26, 2020. Considering such a pattern of release dates, it’s a little bit difficult to predict season five’s release date.
Initially, the assumed date of the release was expected to be in April 2021, but due to the pandemic, that did not happen. Then the fans assumed that perhaps it would be a late 2021 release; however, it’s clear by now that it is not the case too. Now hopefully, the fifth and the last season will premiere in early 2022.
The Last Kingdom Season 5 Cast: Who’s in it?
For sure, we will not be seeing Ian Hart’s Father Beocca this season as the character died in the last Episodes. He’ll be accompanied by Toby Regbo’sAethelred, Cnut (Magnus Bruun), and Steapa (Adrian Bouchet), who we lost in the previous season. Luckily, we’ll continue seeing Alexander Dreymon, as there can be no Last Kingdom without him.
Eliza Butterworth also assured her return to the last season. Also, actor Adrian Schiller will reprise his role, but that won’t last that long in the season, as hinted by him in his public statement.
The Last Kingdom Season Five Plot: What Might Happen?
After the release of an official synopsis by Netflix, it was quite hinted that season 5 will show Uhtred understanding his fate beyond Bebbanburg. He will begin seeing the future of England. The fans can expect a majority of the storyline coming from Cornwell’s remaining five volumes from the Saxon Stories.