In the television show “Ben Is Back,” which is set in a quaint; snowy hamlet in the state of New York; the protagonist, Ben, comes from a wealthy family. Holly has two more children with her second husband and Ben, and Iv; Ben’s younger sister and is played by Kathryn Newton (Courtney B. Vance).
The excitement caused by the children’s performances during the Christmas Eve service can be heard throughout the expansive family house. At the beginning of this year, “Beautiful Boy” served as a timely reminder that the disease of addiction may affect anyone, anywhere.
By excessively laughing and buzzing around the kitchen; Hollis attempts to give the impression that Ben’s unexpected appearance does not stand out. Consequently, she is aware that she has to quickly and discretely take all of the pills from her medicine cabinet and the jewelry from her jewelry box.
In addition to Ben’s natural ability to enchant and engage in conversation with youngsters; it is clear that he is making a concerted effort to ensure that their return to their home will be a positive experience.
Directors’ View On Ben Is Back
Peter Hedges, the writer, and director of “Ben Are Back,” depicts this phenomenon in a manner that draws you in and helps you empathize with the character. Addiction to opioids is shown in the film, which follows a young guy.
He takes a short break from treatment on Christmas Eve to spend time with his loved ones. For his sponsor’s approval, the man claims he did it. There’s a big difference between the first half of Hedges’ film and the second half; which focuses on a made-up criminal thriller.
Storyline Of Ben IS Back
Ben Burns, a young man nineteen years old who lives in the suburbs; shows up unannounced at his family’s home on the evening of Christmas Eve. Ben’s mother, Holly, is relieved and happy, but she is worried about her son because of his history of drug misuse.
The unwavering devotion of a mother is put to the test as her child struggles through a turbulent day; while she does all in her power to keep him clean.
What Is The Release Date?
Peter Hedges directed the film Ben Is Back, released on December 5th, 2018. If you have a membership to the over-the-top (OTT) streaming platform, you may watch the movie on Prime Video. Ben Is Back gets a bingeing rating of 6.6 out of 10 and is highly recommended by this viewer for those who like drama.
According to the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, 81 percent of reviewers have given the film a good review based on 221 reviews, with an average rating of 6.9/10. The website’s reviewers’ consensus states, “Refreshingly subtle, Ben Is Back subverts family drama conventions – and gives a venue for outstanding performances from Lucas Hedges and Julia Roberts.