The Grey’s Anatomy spin-off, Station 19, is a romantic action-drama series. The series follows an apparent group of firefighters of the Seattle Fire Department at Station 19 in Washington. These firefighters are heroic in their own sense. The series focuses on the personal and professional lives of the captain to the newbies. Stacy McKee created the action series for the ABC network.
According to IMDb’s web page, Krista Vernoff, Alexandre Schmitt, Phillip Iscove, Tyrone Finch, Angela Harvey, Christine Larson-Nitzsche, and Mary Kane serve as the series producers. The drama series debuted on March 22, 2018, on ABC.
The series has the current IMDb rating of 6.8 based on 13 thousand review ratings. The show has been nominated in 7 categories in which it won in 6 of them, including the Imagen Award for Best Primetime Program- Drama in 2018.
When will Station 19 be Back With New Episodes?
Station 19 fans rejoice as the drama series returns with a new episode of the ongoing season. The ongoing season is the fifth of the series. The upcoming episode will be the 9th episode of the 5th season. The series will return with new episodes of the current season after the mid-season break. On Thursday, the series will return with the new episodes on February 24, 2022.
The viewers can plug into the cable to watch the new episode at 8 PM EST on ABC. The series follows an apparent group of firefighters of the Seattle Fire Department at Station 19 in Washington. These firefighters are heroic in their own sense. The series focuses on the personal and professional lives of the captain to the newbies.
Where to Watch Station 19?
The viewers can watch the upcoming episodes of the series on cable from February 24, 2022, at 8 PM EST on Thursday. In addition, the fans of the action series can stream the series on Hulu Plus in the US and Disney Plus and Disney Plus Hotstar internationally.
The viewers can also watch the series on fubo TV. The streaming platforms offer the services only by subscription. Station 19 is also available for rent and purchase on Google Play, Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, and Vudu.
What to Know Before Watching New Episodes Of Station 19?
In the previous episode, Andy and Sullivan finally talked with each other. It was a scene of wonder when the former couple finally had a candid conversation with each other. Seeing them together was a time capsule for the audience, and the viewers were taken back to their time of being a perfect couple of Station 19. However, the couple still has their grudges intact, especially of the bitter marriage they endured together.
Sullivan is still very much in love with Andy. Even though he has feelings, Sullivan does not want the absolute worst for Andy. They discuss divorce. They think that they have no future together, but their chemistry with each other says completely opposite. There is another couple in town who are facing relationship issues. Theo and Vic are doing their best to save their relationship.
However, this goes downhill when Theo learns that Vic and Jack have kissed. Theo feels that only he was very much invested in the relationship, but now he feels there was nothing from Vic’s side. The episode ends with Dean’s death. This makes things interesting as the viewers will see their beloved characters grappling with loss.
Who is in The Cast of Station 19?
Jaina Lee Ortiz, Jason George, and Barrett Doss lead the ensemble cast as Andrea “Andy” Herrera, Dr. Benjamin “Ben” Warren, MD, and Victoria “Vic” Hughes. They are joined by the supporting cast of Alberto Frezza, Jay Hayden, OkierieteOnaodowan, Danielle Savre, Miguel Sandoval, Boris Kodjoe, and Stefania Spampinato. Carlos Miranda also stars.
Marla Gibbs, Brett Tucker, Brenda Song, Sterling Sulieman, Dermot Mulroney, Birgundi Baker, Rigo Sanchez, Kelly Thiebaud, Pat Healy, Lachlan Buchanan, Jayne Taini, Colleen Foy, Ansel Sluyter-Obidos, Robert Curtis Brown, Jeanne Sakata, Josh Randall, Lindsey Gort, Alain Uy, Natasha Ward, and Shane Hartline recur in the action-drama series.
Stacy McKee created the action series for the ABC network. According to IMDb’s web page, Krista Vernoff, Alexandre Schmitt, Phillip Iscove, Tyrone Finch, Angela Harvey, Christine Larson-Nitzsche, and Mary Kane serve as the series producers.