“Iron Chef America” is a reality cooking show. It has 13 seasons with 205 episodes. The show has been presented by Alton Brown, Kevin Brauch, Mark Dacascos, Jet Tila. It has been released on Food Networks. First episode was released on 6 March 2005. Last episode of last season was broadcasted on 22 July 2018.
Show was produced by Stu Schreiberg, John Bravakis, Steve Kroopnick. And its running time is around 45 minutes per episodes.’
Iron Chef America is a cooking show which has been based on the show of Fuji Television’s Iron Chef. Which is also the second largest adaptation of the series. Show is same like a Japanese program that shows culinary game shows. Professional chefs from all over the world battle it out against America’s favorite chefs in an effort to win the grand title.
It has a chairman which is played by an actor and also he is a martial artist known as Mark Dacascos. He has been introduced as the nephew of original chairman of Japanese chairman named Takeshi Kaga. There are commentators who are namely Alton Brown and Kevin Brach.
The show has been rated 7.1 out of 10 by IMDb. Audience of around 81% likes to watch the show.
Mark Alan Dacascos is the chairman of the show. He was born on 26 February 1964. He is an American actor and a martial artist as well. Mark has won various karate and various styles in Kung-Fu championship ] when he was only in between 7 to 18 years old.
Apart from the Chairman he has also played many roles like, Eric Draven in The Crow: Stairway to Heaven. Eubulon, the Advent Master, on Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. The super eminent part of” Mani” in the French film Brotherhood of the Wolf.
The super eminent part of” Crying Freeman” in the film of the same name. Dacascos contended in season 9 of Dancing with the Stars.