Scream is an American horror series that has garnered a huge fan base due to its chilling storyline and visuals. Scream is a serial killer series directed by Kevin Williamson. Scream is an anthology that revolves around a group of teenagers stalked by a masked serial killer. The film revolves around Sidney Prescott, who struggles against a series of murders by a masked serial killer. The first film was released in 1996, followed by the second part in 1997, the third part in 2000, and eleven years later, the fourth part was released in 2011.
Scream 5 Release Date
Given the huge popularity of the series, Scream 5 is all set to go on floors in the upcoming year, on January 14, 2022. Directed by Matt Bettinelli Olpin and Tyler Gillett, Scream 5 is executively produced by Kevin Williamson, the original creator of the Scream film.
What to Expect?
The expected storyline of Scream 5 is that a young woman returns to her hometown and discovers some chilling and grueling series of murders, which a masked serial killer does. No other detail regarding the plot is shared as of now. However, several rumors and speculations are doing rounds already. The center will be horror and thriller, and the audience will get a chilling experience.
The expected cast comprises of the last cast who would return to their original roles such as:
- Davi Arquette as Dewey Riley
- Roger L Jackson as the voice of the masked serial killer
- Neve Campbell as Sidney Prescott
- Marley Shelton as Judy Hicks.
- Courtney Cox as Gale Weathers
However, several new characters are expected to be introduced in Scream 5, and actors such as Lelissa Barrera, Jack Quaid, Jenna Ortega, Mason Gooding, Dylan Minnette, Mikey Madison, Sonia Ben Ammar, Kyle Galler, and Jasmin Savoy Brown. It would be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the audience eagerly waiting for the kind of thriller Scream 5 offers.
Is Trailer Out?
The trailer of Scream 5 is not out yet. However, the series is renewing for the 5th part, as the shooting is almost done and is a few months away from release. According to the director, a trailer often spoils the film’s contents, and at times, the storyline gets out, so the trailer of Scream 5 isn’t releasing anytime soon. However, official announcements will be made in case of any change in the release date, which is on January 14, 2022. The trailer is expected to be released online, and the movie will have a theatrical release in the US.
Due to the pandemic, the theatrical release might not exist in many countries, and it is yet to see if the film gets released on an OTT platform. Even though no official announcements regarding the change in the release of Scream 5 have been made, it is sure that fans all over the world have been waiting with great zeal, given the huge fan base that this series has gained over the years.