The Matrix is an American film franchise directed by the director-writer duo The Wachowskis. Joel Silver produces the Matrix. The series already has three movies in its name: The Matrix, which was released in 1999, along with the sequels The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix revolutions, which were released in 2003. The series is science fiction revolving around a cyberpunk plot that showcases the technological downfall of humans and the artificial intelligence that has imprisoned humans in a world of delusions.
What is Expected Release Date?
Following Baudrillard’s famous theory of the Simulacrum, The Matrix has left no stone unturned to amaze its audience and is a massive hit. Revolving around the struggle between the humans and machines and the lead actor being none other than Keanu Reeves along with a mind-boggling sci-fi theme, The Matrix is all set for the release of brand- new part 4which happens to be on December 22, 2021.
What to Expect?
The Matrix 4 is kept under secrecy, and there is no hint of what the plot will be. Even though the film is just four months away from the release, no trailer has been dropped yet. Several speculations and rumors are doing rounds on what will be the pot and the expected cast. One thing is for sure that everyone’s favorite actor Keanu Reeves will be the lead playing the character of Neo, Lambert Wilson as Merovigian, Carrie Moss as Trinity, Jada Pinkett as Niobe, and Daniel Bernhardth as Agent Johnson. The cast also includes Neil Patrick Harris, Yahya Abdul, Toby Onwumere, Priyanka Chopra, Christina Ricci, etc., in undisclosed roles.
Even though the plot hasn’t been disclosed yet, the central theme is expected to remain unchanged. Set in the future, The Matrix 4 will come under the science fiction genre and depict the existing war between humans and machines. Human-made machines control artificial intelligence and are on the verge of making the world a delusional prisoner. It will be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the new season.
Is Trailer out?
The trailer of Matrix 4 is not out yet; however, as per sources, the series is renewing for season 4, which has been kept under secrecy even though just a few months away from release. Therefore, official announcements are yet to be made in case of changes in the release date, which is December 21, 2021. The trailer and the movie can be viewed on HBO Max after the theatrical release in the US. However, the theatrical release might not exist in many countries due to the pandemic, and it is yet to see if the film gets released on an OTT platform.
Even though no official announcements regarding the change in the release of The Matrix 4 have been made, it is sure that fans have been waiting eagerly given the huge fan base that this series has acquired over these years.