Lightyear, popularly known as Toy Story 5, is an animated superhero film released by Pixar and Walt Disney. It has a total of 4 seasons, and five seasons was named Lightyear. John Lasseter, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Joe Ranft are the creators; Galyn Susman is the producer, and John Lasseter is the director of this film.
Film’s story till season 4 was based on toys that could live, talk, walk and do everything a human does. They lived secretly in a town hidden from humans. But this time, the story plot is different. Many viewers said that Toy Story 4 would be the last season, but creators surprised us by its season 5.
Expected Release Date
According to some sources on the internet, Toy Story gains a lot of popularity in summer that why Light Year is decided to be released in the summers. It’s good news for the fans that light-year has been officially confirmed by Pixar and will be coming in the summer of next year, i.e., in 2022. An official release date has also been announced to be on June 17, 2022. We still don’t know if the production or shooting is started or not, and no news about its trailer is released. We expect the show to begin with its shooting quickly so that it may not face any delay due to the covid-19 pandemic.
It is Worth Watching or not
We can’t say anything about the movie since it is not yet released. But as we know that Toys Story or Disney shows are always exciting and entertaining, we might expect the same this time also. And one thing is for sure that Light Year will have something new, as this time, the story will be based on the universe and pilot.
Expected Plot
Anything is not yet declared official by the production house. We are only predicting its plot. It is the story about a young boy who becomes a pilot in the universe and is loved. A lot of young boys also admire him. The entire story may be plotted in-universe or an inter- mediator who will connect the universe and the real toys world. We might not see light year to be connected with toys any of the season.
Expected Cast
No official announcement has been made for Light Year till now. However, we know that Buzz Light Year will be the leading character and will be using the voice of Chris Evans. We might expect to see some of the previous characters of Toys Story 4 seasons to be in Light Year are Woody (much possibilities are there may not see him), Rex, Mrs. Potato Head, Barbie, Dolly, Trixie, Joan, Jessie, Buttercup, Mr. Pricklepants, Aliens and Bonnie.
We are predicting some of the previous cast’s voice from Toys Story 4 seasons to be heard in Light Year are Cusack voice for Jessie, Bonnie Hunt voice for Dolly, Kristen Schaal voice for Trixie, Wallace Shawn voice for Rex, Estelle Harris voice for Mrs. Potato Head, Jeff Garlin voice for Buttercup, Timothy Dalton voice for Mr. Pricklepants, Jodi Benson voice for Barbie, Jeff Pidgeon voice for Aliens, and Madeleine Mc Graw voice for Bonnie.