It is an American satirical slasher movie which is directed by Wes Craven, and it is written by Kevin Williamson. This movie focuses on the character of Sidney Prescott, who is a student of high school and becomes the target of a mysterious killer who is in a Halloween costume named Ghostface. This film is a mixture of whodunit and black comedy with the violence of the slasher’s genre. It has gained its inspiration from a real-life incident of Gainesville Ripper. The script of this movie was originally named Scary Movie, but afterward, it was renamed.
In this film, a high school student named Casey Baker receives a flirty call from an unknown person in which they talk about horror movies. Afterward, that caller turned into sadistic and threatening in her life. He told her that her boyfriend named Steve Orth had been detained, and in return, she had to answer the questions about the horror films. When she answered a question, her boyfriend was murdered in front of her, and when she refused to answer more questions, she was also murdered by a masked assailant.
On the next day, the media descended, and police started their investigation. Meanwhile, Sidney, the main lead or the protagonist, is struggling with the pending death anniversary of her mother. After that, she and her friends started getting weird calls, and later they learned that these calls were from a crazed killer.
- David Arquette played the role of Dewey Riley.
- Neve Campbell is playing the role of Sidney Prescott,
- the part of Gale Weathers is played by Courteney Cox.
- Matthew Lillard played the role of Stu Macher.
- Rose McGowan is playing the role of Tatum Riley.
- Skeet Ulrich played the role of Billy Loomis.
- Jamie Kennedy played the role of Randy Meeks.
- Earl Brown played the role of Kenny Jones.
- Joseph Whipp played the role of Sheriff Burke.
- Liev Schreiber played the role of Cotton Weary.
- Drew Barrymore played the role of Casey Becker.
- Henry Winkler played the role of Arthur Hembry.
- Frances Lee McCain played the role of Mrs. Riley.
- Kevin Patrick Walls played the role of Steve Orth, Casey’s boyfriend.
- Lawrence Hecht played the role of Neil Prescott.
- Lynn McRee played the role of Maureen Prescott.
- David Booth played the role of Mr. Becker.
- Carla Hatley played the role of Mrs. Becker.
- Linda Blair played the role of the news reporter.
- Wes Craven played the role of Fred, the school janitor.
Watch It or Ignore It?
This movie scream is a perfect example of its genre. It definitely keeps up the expectations. This is a great horror movie to watch for all horror lovers. From cast to the location to execution to setting everything for this movie was just amazing. So yes, it is definitely a must-watch for each and every horror lover out there.
Where Can We Watch It?
Right now, this amazing movie is running on HBO Max.
In short, every horror lover should watch it as this is a brilliant movie of its genre. So yes, do watch it.