A romantic drama Xmas film created by Brian Herzlinger, “The Holiday Fix Up” tells the story of another chance. After returning to her hometown, Sam, a designer, takes on a voluntary project to renovate the Bell Harbor Inn. Her fame is not just for being a designer but also as the creator of her own house renovation event. During the renovations, Sam finds herself paired with her former lover Coop, who broke her heart once before.
The ex-couple begin to fall back in love again as they assist with the inn’s annual Christmas Eve Harborfest. Beautiful backdrops create an atmosphere of festival season in the romantic journey of Sam and Coop. If you are intrigued by the visuals of the film and want to find out more about its production or cast, then you are in the right place.
The Holiday Fix-Up Airs On Lifetime When?
On Saturday, December 11, Lifetime will premiere The Holiday Fix-Up at 8 p.m. ET. On the network’s website, the movie can be downloaded afterward.
The Cast of Holiday Fix-Up
As Sam, the designer gave the task to renovate the Bell Habor Inn, Jana Kramer is the star of the Lifetime movie. As Sam’s former lover and lead contractor, Ryan McPartlin appears in ‘A Welcome Home Christmas’ and ‘Christmas in Louisiana.’ It is possible that you remember seeing him in ‘L.A. Finest’ or ‘Once Upon a Main Street.’
Locations Where The Holiday Fix-Up Was Filmed
Connecticut and Tennessee were used as locations for the romantic drama film. In summer 2021, the production took place entirely in New York City, and the former acted as the major location for the shoot.
There were Christmas decorations decorating areas of the town to make a festive atmosphere. It is interesting to note that the production company, Synthetic Cinema International, has also filmed other films in the area. Yetter Road Christmas Tree Farm, located at 94 Yetter Road in Mystic, was also used as a location for a few scenes of ‘The Holiday Fix-Up.’
What Exactly Happens In The Film? Is It Worth Streaming?
Lifetime’s Christmas Holiday event “It’s a Wonderful Lifetime” will release a Romance TV movie on December 11, 2021, titled “The Holiday Fix-Up.” The film has actors Jana Kramer along with Ryan McPartlin. Sam returns home to help renovate the Bell Harbor Inn with the help of Coop, playing the role of her mother.
Ryan McPartlin played the role of Cooper, while Jana Kramer played Sam. As a team, they create a montage including a lot of social media posts and sexual tension.
The effect lasts only a short time. Sam finds their initials carved into an old fence post while they are working on a project in the shed. Cooper admits he hasn’t forgotten her. According to Cooper, the network was only interested in Sam and was not interested in either of them.
To let Sam live her dream, Cooper lied to her. It’s time for the big reveal, and Jack’s past wife, Rita, is nodded to with attention to detail. Coop and Sam were always a dream of Rita’s, and she hoped they would marry at the inn.
While Sam is driving home from work to get back to work, Coop posts a live video to social media. Upon reaching her, Sam proposes the way he wanted to five years ago. The teen tells Sam that he considers her to be his home and is looking forward to traveling with her. When Sam agrees, they kiss as people cheer in appreciation. The fans of the actors should definitely check the film out at least once.