This superhero film has its roots in the famous Marvel superheroes family. This movie is the 26th movie in line, which is produced by Marvel Studios and therefore officially belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The concept of the movie is not devoid of the earlier Marvel movies theme, it’s about an alien race that is very mysteriously immortal, and they are bound to safeguard the earth from their crucial counterparts, the Deviants.
Release Of The Movie
In the year 2018, Marvel Studios announced that the movie was already in the development process and would be soon going through the direction process too.
The movie was released in Los Angeles on October 18 this year itself, but for it to reach the United States, it took some time. It arrived in the United States on November 5, 2021. It has received a lot of reviews from the ones who have watched it.
What Is It About?
Ten Eternals who were blessed with superpowers in 5000 BC are sent to the earth using a starship to save it from the Deviants as it was said that the last Deviants were brought to an end in 1521. And as that happened, the opinions of the groups regarding the responsibilities and the kind of relationship they would share with the humans on earth. All this whole they lived separated from each other till the return of the Arishem.
Present Day Scenario
In the present day, we see Sersi and Sprite living in London. Sersi was abandoned by her better half. That happened years ago, and now she lives with a human named Dane Whitman. Dane works at the national history Museum.
Now, these three were observed and attacked by Kro, who is a deviant, but Ikaris arrives at the spot and chases him away from there. Now, this confirms the arrival of the deviants, and then they move forward to tell this to their leader, but that’s when they receive the news about the leader being killed by the deviant, Kro.
Mission Of The Eternals
Ajakala chose Sersi to succeed him, and then she had received the superpower to talk to Arishem, who reveals to her the real purpose of the Eternals, which clearly stated that it was not the rule to go against the deviants but rather to make arrangements on earth for the emergence of the deviants.
Arishem discloses that for years they were targeting many different populated plants so that new celestials could be welcomed here and deviants would destroy them, but then they deviated from their purpose and started killing the native planets too.
Where To Watch Eternals?
As per the sources, this movie will be available to watch on Disney+ Hotstar. Though not immediately because it has been released recently, so it would take some time to reach these online platforms. So this would be available to watch on Disney+Hostar in the month of January.