A romantic story with the essence of comedy is a much-needed television series during this Christmas season. However, Gloria Calderon Kellett has provided such an exclusive genre show named With Love for the spectators. Gloria Calderon Kellett has taken care of the storyline as well as the directorial department of With Love. Along with her, Meera Menon is there as the executive producer of the series.
On May 27, 2021, the makers of the show have announced the appearance of the show. Location and Amazon Studios have taken all the responsibility to distribute the television series globally on the OTT platform.
What Do The Viewers And Critics Have To Speak About The Television Series With Love?
This show serves a beautiful love story of four couples which shows a well-established connection between the characters and their love relation. However, this show has the proficiency to furnish a full pleasure and contentment of love and affection.
The show With Love can stuff a person with a fully engrossed feeling of love. Along with the feelings of love, complications and tolerance are just like two opposite sides of a coin. Moreover, With Love has expressed how two people with different tastes and interests can get attracted to each other.
What Is The Plot Summary Of With Love?
The series uncovers the desperation of acquiring love and affection of the Diaz Siblings. To find out their love life travel a long road to achieve affection and warmth during the peak holidays of the year. However, the creators have entitled each episode of the series with different titles as an indication about what is going to happen in the respective episode.
When And Where The Television Show With Love Has Come Out?
The announcement of the series was made by the makers in May 2021, and all the episodes of With Love has hit the OTT outlet on December 17, 2021. For the viewers who are willing to watch the show, then for them, Amazon Prime Videos is the right place. A subscription to it can provide them with an uninterrupted premiere of the series.
Who Are All There In The Episodes Of With Love?
Many identities have made their appearance in the show as prominent characters. Such personalities are Todd Grinnell as Dr. Miles Murphy, EmeraudeToubia as Lily Diaz, Vincent Rodriguez III as Henry, Mark Indelicato as Jorge Diaz Jr., Benito Martinez as Jorge Diaz Sr., Desmond Chiam as Nick Zhao, Constance Marie as Beatriz Diaz.
Additionally, Andre Royo as Laz Zayas, Isis King as Sol Perez, Renee Victor as Marta Delgado, Rome Flynn as Santiago Zayas and Pepe Serna as Luis are also there.
The trailer of the show is there on social media. Before taking the initial step towards the first episode, the watcher should have a look at the trailer. Hopefully, the series With Love delivers the same gesture and expression for others.