The fantasy animated movie, Green Snake, brings to the viewers non-stop action, with spectacular animations and thrills. The Chinese animation film offers a modern twist to the Chinese myth classic, Legend of the White Snake. Amp Wong has directed the movie, and it features a screenplay by Damao. Cui Di has produced the movie Green Snake, and it made a box office collection of $90 million.
The movie is also known as The Tribulation of the Green Snake. It received its original release on July 23, 2021. It is a sequel to the movie, White Snake which received its release in 2019. If you want to stream it, these details will help you.
Where To Stream Green Snake?
Netflix has received the distribution rights to bring Green Snake to the international audience. It is now streaming on Netflix, and you can easily watch it by subscribing to the channel. The movie has a runtime of 2 hours 11 minutes. Green Snake is available on Netflix with subtitles.
The audio is in the Mandarin language, and within selected countries, the movie received its release on December 1. It became available in various countries, including the UK, the US, Singapore, and India.
Who Is In The Cast Of Green Snake?
The Green Snake includes a talented voice cast, voicing the characters in this animated movie. As the titular character of Verta, the green Snake, the voice actor is Tang Xiaoxi for Mandarin, and in English, it is done by Vivian Lu. The Masked Man is voiced by WaiWai, and Sister Sun by QiuQiu. Fahai is voiced by Song Xuchen, and Spider Goblin by Zhang Biyu. The White Snake, Blanca, is voiced by Zhang Zhe, and the Scholar by Lin Qiang.
What Is The Plot About?
The animated movie Green Snake is full of action and heads the fantasy saga in an interesting direction. At the center of this saga are two demon-snake sisters, who are capable of taking the form of humans. And, the sequel majorly directs its attention to the Green Snake, Verta.
The sisters are on the island, where Fahai, their nemesis, has captured the White Snake, Blanca. The island looks very post-apocalyptic, and Fahai, the demon-slaying monk, is a tough nut to crack.
Light Chaser Animation, along with Culture Media, Alibaba Pictures, Tianjin Maoyan Weiying, and Bilibili, is involved in the production of the movie the Green Snake. GuoHaowei is behind the music. The movie received its release on Netflix on December 1, 2021. Within the first three days of its release, the movie earned $31 million.
It had led the Chinese box office chart. Through the adventures of Verta, various villains and comrades come to the forefront, and Verta must cleverly decide whom to form allies with.
Should You Watch Green Snake?
The top intense CGI and the action sequences in Green Snake will keep you at the edge of your seat. The dynamic between Verta and the Masked Man is quite gripping, and the ending is complex yet emotional. The battles are very intense, and compelling animations make it a wonderful watch. The entire movie is nevertheless very interesting and worth a watch.