Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an upcoming 2022 slasher thriller movie that will be directed by David Blue Garcia and has been scripted by Chris Thomas Devlin from an original tale by Fede lvarez and Rodo Sayagues. Streaming provider Netflix has been killing in its entire horror category happening.
Previously for the year 2021 alone, Netflix had concentrated on the release of any number of horror movies which were even well-received by horror fans after its official release as well. A few of the handful of new titles Netflix has been showing its interest in the horror category include movies like Someone Inside Your House, Blood Red Sky, the Fear Street series, and Till Death.
Netflix would be scheduling the premiering for its new ambitious project in February, a continuation storyline for the 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Talking about the new sequel for the series. The 1974 movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre depicts its major storyline of a family following about the cannibals who abduct, slaughter, and cook random persons who have been passing through a desolate location of Texas near their property.
Is the Release Date Confirmed for Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
As good news, yes, Netflix has confirmed the release of its new horror flick. As per the latest confirmation, the new horror flick will be coming on Netflix officially on February 18 this year around 12:00 A.M. PT and 3:00 A.M. ET.
Netflix would be releasing the continuation movie focusing on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre tale, which definitely brings a lot of excitement for the Fans who love the slasher genre and would want you guys to stay up late to watch the premiering of the horror flick on Netflix.
Who will be Appearing as Cast for the Movie?
Okay! Now, let’s talk about the appearing casting members for this new horror flick by Netflix. Mark Burham, known for his role in DriverX, Olwen Fouéré who was previously seen to appear on Zone 414.
Elsie Fisher, who had previously appeared on Castle Rock, Sarah Yarkin, who was seen appearing in Happy Death Day 2U, Jacob Latimore was seen previously casting in The Maze Runner, and Nell Hudson, who has been known to appear in Victoria, are among the stars who are again coming in and appearing in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Besides the casting mentioned above members, we will be getting to see more casting members who will be appearing for the horror flick movie as well. We will be updating you with more details about the casting members in the future.
Will More Sequels be Coming?
As of now, we don’t have any updates about the sequel movie release yet. But, definitely, we will be updating you as things get confirmed by Netflix.
Online Options to Watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Well, you must have gone through the streaming service keyword so many times in this article! So, yes, this clearly answers this question: we will get to see Netflix releasing the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror flick on its platform.
Are There Any Hints Revealed About the Plotline?
As of now, it’s been 50 plus years since the events about the terrible murder of the Hardesty family of Texas took place, and Sally Hardesty was the lucky one to escape from the murder. Despite Sally’s age, Leatherface never forgot what he did to her family. Nobody was seen or heard about Leatherface since after the event.
And as the swarm, outsiders approach the town for the first time and also wakens up the sleeping monster. Also, we got to see Sally and Leatherface again making clash with the second movie leading to a more final violent confrontation.