A California Christmas is a Christmas film series released on December 14, 2020, followed by its second part released on December 16, 2021. Shaun Paul Piccinino is the series director, and Lauren Swickard has written the films. Both the films gained a good fan base and were given positive reviews by the critics and the audience.
The film’s plotline revolves around the lives of Joseph and Callie, who belong to two very different backgrounds but eventually fall in love with each other. What follows is their journey from their first meet to their life after their declaration of love, all centering around the Christmas season.
The film of the California Christmas series are light-hearted romantic comedies that definitely set the right mood for Christmas. With two parts already released, the fans are already anticipating a part 3 of A California Christmas.
Is it Really Going to Happen, or Is it Just Speculation?
With the latest film of A California Christmas series releasing this festive season, the fans speculate whether there will be the third installment of this Christmas film series. Both the films- A California Christmas and A California Christmas City Lights received good reviews and a good viewership as well. However, given the great fan base that the film series enjoys, the fans have already started demanding a season 3.
However, there has been no official confirmation from the makers and Netflix, but considering the good reception of the previous films, part 3 of California Christmas might be very much possible. The fans are expecting that Callie and Joseph’s life after a baby might be a good space to explore for the third part. As of now, nothing about A California Christmas part 3 is confirmed, and only speculations are doing rounds.
What is the Expected Plot?
The film’s plotline revolves around the lives of Joseph and Callie, who belong to two very different backgrounds but eventually fall in love with each other. What follows is their journey from their first meet to their life after their declaration of love, all centering around the Christmas season.
However, with A California Christmas: City Lights ending with Joseph and Callie revealing that they will be parents, the fans speculate that this might serve as the base for the plot of part 3. The fans are expecting that Callie and Joseph’s life after a baby might be a good space to explore for the third part.
Who will be in the Cast?
The cast of A California Christmas part 3 will definitely have Josh Swickard and Lauren Swickard resuming their roles of Joseph and Callie. Other cast members like Aramanda Detmer, who will play Wendy, Ali Afshar, who will play Leo. David del Rio, who will play Manny, Katelyn Epperly, who will play Liz, and others might return.
When will it Release?
Since the first two installments of A California Christmas were released during the Christmas season of 2020 and 2021, one can expect that the third part, if made, will release during the Christmas season of 2022.
Where to Watch it?
Since the first two installments of A California Christmas released during the Christmas season of 2020 and 2021 on Netflix. A California Christmas part 3 will also return on Netflix if the makers decide on part 3.