The television miniseries, A Very British Scandal is a historical drama series that stars Claire Foy and Paul Bettany in the leading roles. The show came out in the United Kingdom in December last year, while in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, it got aired on Amazon Prime Video on April 22, 2022.
The show received widespread acclaim for its fine writing and acting by the leads, especially Claire Foy, for her portrayal of the Duchess of Argyll named Margaret Campbell. The episodes were directed by Anne Sewitsky, while Sarah Phelps penned the script. But will there be any more seasons to the show? Let’s find out.
Will Season 2 Of A Very British Scandal Come Back?
If talking technically, the show A Very British Scandal is the next part to the first show named; A Very English Scandal. But since it shifted its focus on the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, it subsequently changed its name.
This three-episode miniseries focuses on the chaotic separation and divorce of the Duke and Duchess of Argyll. This is typically seen in British television shows that wrap up the story in one go and leave room for something more. The show in itself was complete, with a beginning and an end. So there is no point in the series will be having a second season to it.
But let us add here that the next part can surely come up, covering a new scandal as there is no scarcity of such issues in the history of Britishers. Like A Very British Scandal and A Very English Scandal, more stories about different eras can come up and make the subsequent miniseries. But till then, we are not sure whether this will happen, and all we can do is hope for the best.
What Is A Very British Scandal About?
If you are someone who has not given this miniseries a watch till now, we will provide you with an overview of the show. This historical drama show revolved around the ugly and messy separation of Ian Campbell, Duke of Argyll, and Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll.
The show meaningfully captures the media coverage about this controversial marriage separation of the royals; that got dirtier with accusations of drug abuse, adultery, bribery, and theft-making rounds. The show also focused on the position of women during the era of 1960s.
How Many Episodes Are There Of A Very British Scandal?
The current miniseries has three episodes that aired consecutively in December 2021 on BBC One. The total duration of the episodes is almost around 3 hours.
Where To Watch A Very British Scandal?
In the United Kingdom, the show can be streamed on BBC iPlayer and Virgin TV Go. In the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, the show can be enjoyed exclusively on Amazon prime Video.