Adventure Beast Season is Netflix’s animated adult comedy series that follows the life of Bradley Trevor Grieve (BTG). He is an ex-military man and now a wildlife expert. This is the story of his adventures along with Dietrich (his field assistant) and Bonnie (his niece). BTG and Mark Gravas create the show.
Adventure Beast is based on BTG’s real-life stories of being a wildlife author, humorist, and expert. The show has done extremely well in presenting wildlife facts to the audiences in an interesting manner. It was released in October 2021 and has been highly applauded for spreading information about wildlife conservation. After receiving great reviews worldwide, fans are waiting to know about its season 2.
Release Date of Season 2 of Adventure Beast
Adventure Beast was released on Netflix on October 22, 2021, and consists of 12 episodes with an average runtime of 16-20 minutes. Coming on to the main topic, whether there is a season 2 or not. So, season 2 has not been officially confirmed yet. But, we are quite positive that the show will be renewed for its second installment. Season 1 left us with some unanswered questions like that pertaining to Dietrich. The second season is definitely required.
BTG is an interview revealed that it was decided that Dietrich would be one among the assistants that were also supposed to die. Still, after the plot had been written, everyone fell in love with his character so, Netflix decided not to kill him. This means that now he is a constant on the show. It seems like season 2 will be there. BTG also hinted at a second season by saying at the end of the show that this is the end of the first book and the second will come.
This also gets our hopes high. Is it only us who are taking that as a hint? Considering all these things, we can expect the second season to come by the first or second quarter of 2022. Let’s be optimistic and wait for an official announcement.
The Cast of Adventure Beast Season 2
The original cast will be back to reprise their roles in the show. The show is nothing without them. We are referring to BTG himself, Danice Cabanela (in the role of Bonnie), and Josh Zuckerman (in the role of Dietrich).
Expected Plot of Season 2 of Adventure Beast
In the first season, we saw BTG, Dietrich, and Bonnie on an adventurous trip. They encountered several animals and got stuck in weird situations. In the final moments of season 1, we saw Dietrcih getting carried off by a hippopotamus. Both BTG and Bonnie didn’t find his remains which means that he must be alive.
The second season can be expected to be about Dietrich’s fate. BTG and Bonnie will most likely go and search for him. During this journey, they will again encounter several animals and share some great facts with the audience. BTG can also possibly be seen working on his second book, and he can also consider that Bonnie is capable of continuing his work.