American sports drama TV Show “All American” is an “April Blair” creation that first hit the screens on October 10, 2018. Currently running on CW, the show emerged as a real-life inspiration series from is professional American football player named Spencer Paysinger. Starring actor Daniel Ezra in the main role of Spencer, this year in February, CW extended the show by a new season, i.e., Season 4, with its debut set for October 25, 2021.
The sports series then officially launched its fourth season after The CW approved its quick release, which was way before the third season concluded. With its huge viewership and increasing popularity on the CW and Netflix, the show has been an influential watch for audiences and critics. At present, the series has a 96% Fresh score on the American review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes.
About the Series and its Seasons
Taken from the true-life incidents of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger, the series narrates the story of a Compton high-school boy named Spencer James, who is selected for playing football for the Beverly High in Beverly Hills. The first and the second season of All American came out on screens in October (in 2018 and 2019, respectively).
However, season three took more time than usual, and fans had to wait till January 2021 for the third season. Luckily, the production sped up this time for season four, and fans got the show on time.
All American Season 4 Episode 7 Release Date and Time and Where to Watch?
The seventh episode of Season four of All American aired on Monday, i.e., December 6, 2021, at 8:00 pm. Fans have been super excited to catch up with the cliffhanger from the last episode. Viewers can find the show on The CW, SW seed and Netflix if best Quality streaming is a priority for them on the official Platforms.
All American Season 4 Episode 7 Synopsis
Next week, the show brings to its fans on the All American season 4, the 7th episode, which will probably be the last episode of this year. The episode will proceed with showing the gang all set for celebrating prom. However, at that time, Spencer can be seen trying to fix a mistake made by his teammates that could have some serious repercussions. On the other hand, we can see Olivia trying to connect with her sponsee.
Then Patience and Coop bail out on prom preparations in order to assist Amina for the second time. At that moment, Asher begins spending his prom night slightly differently than he thought of, with another scene showing Layla seeking some valuable advice from Jordan.
All American Season 4 Cast and Characters: Who All are There?
This 7th episode was written by Micah Cyrus & Carrie Gutenberg, with director Ryan Zaragoza behind the helm. Featuring Daniel Ezra as Spencer James, fans can expect a majority of the cast members to reprise their roles. There is Bre-Z as Tamia ‘Coop’ Cooper, Greta Onieogou playing Layla Keating, Samantha Logan in the role of Olivia Baker, and Michael Evans Behling as Jordan Baker.
Joining them, we have Cody Christian portraying Asher Adams, Karimah Westbrook as Grace James, Monét Mazur acting as Laura Fine-Baker, and Taye Diggs as Billy Baker.