B Positive is a humorous sitcom program developed by Marco Pennette and distributed by Warner Bros Television and Chuck Lorre Productions in the United States. The show features Annaleigh Ashford, Thomas Middleditch, Kether Donohue, and Sara Rue. On November 5, 2020, CBS premiered B Positive. The plot revolves around a psychotherapist and recently separated father who is in requirement of a kidney recipient due to his B-positive blood type.
When his kin fails to provide a match, a lady from his youth gives him one of hers. There has only existed one edition thus far. Depending upon 703 fan opinions, the show presently does have a 5.2 out of 10 IMDb ranking.
What to Know Before Starting Season 2?
A guy in search of a kidney transplant forms an unexpected relationship with an organ provider he encounters by happenstance. Drew, a recently separated father in need of a kidney recipient, is at the tail end of his string until he stumbles across Gina, a harsh lady from his history who also offers her kidney. They develop an unusual friendship and go on a trip that will forever impact their destinies.
In this season, Gina (Annaleigh Ashford) has declared it a point to enhance the lifestyles of the older folk at Valley Hills Assisted Living, wherein Drew’s previous hemodialysis technician Gideon (Darryl Stephens) is now working as the director of healthcare. Drew, played by Thomas Middleditch, is dealing with a weird newfound sensation, as per the authorized demo reel. He’s certain he has fallen in love with Gina after the procedure.
What is the Age Rating?
B Positive is classified TV-14, indicating that it includes some content that several adults would consider inappropriate for kids under the range of 14. Adults are highly advised to supervise this show more closely, and kids under the range of 14 should not be left alone to view it. This show may include extremely provocative conversation, extreme harsh speech, severe intimate relations scenes, or strong brutality, among other things.
When is Season 2 Releasing?
B Positive has been revived for a second broadcast by CBS. And it has already been announced that the premiere date for the upcoming season will be Thursday, October 7, 2021. B Positive finale airs on CBS at 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT. There is no information about the renewal of another season.
What Happened in the First Season?
Drew, a newly widowed psychotherapist and in need of a kidney transplant, and his blossoming connection with Gina, a previous colleague who proved out to have been his recipient, were the focus of the series’s debut semester. B Positive needs a fresh environment to assist feed its storylines after the handover at the conclusion of last semester.
Norma, a pointed Valley Hills resident, and Gina’s maternal image, is played by Lavin. Drew’s old hemodialysis attendant, Gideon, has become the director of nursing at Valley Hills, and Higgins portrays Jerry, Drew’s hemodialysis pal. Five of the six newbies will portray Valley Hills residents: Héctor Elizondo, Jane Seymour, Ben Vereen, Celia Weston, and Jim Beaver. Anna Maria Horsford, the sixth, will return as the hospital’s manager.