The thriller television series Baptiste has managed to entertain its viewers for the past two seasons, and fans are eagerly waiting to know what is up with season 3. Created by duo Harry Williams and Jack Williams, the show has its main character Juliein Baptiste inspired by another show named The Missing.
Joining the creators are Kelly Jones and Catherine Moulton that have written the screenplay for the series. With all that being said, this psychological drama is highly loved by the genre fans, and they cannot wait to know about season 3’s renewal? If you are one of them, then keep scrolling!
Has Baptiste Season 3 Renewed Or Cancelled For Season 3?
The second installment of the show got released in the UK on BBC One in July 2021 and terminated in August, and in the US, it got its release a little after on PBS in October 2021. On November 21, 2021, the show concluded with six episodes to its credit. Coming to the update about its third season, there are a few facts we would like to share with you.
Before the premiere of season 2, Harry Williams, the co-creator of the show, mentioned that when they first made the pilot season, they had envisioned it to be the trilogy with all great stories and characters. But soon, they realized it was better to leave the story as it is for the sake of maintaining the characters’ poise and identity and rather invest in another season with unnecessary adventures.
So it is highly unlikely for season 3 of Baptiste to be made!
But in an interview in July this year itself, lead Tchéky Karyo was seen mentioning his interest in essaying the character of Baptiste in the new seasons if the possibility occurs and that you never know when it comes. This made the show’s die-hard fans get a slight ray of hope for the show’s comeback, but looking at the firm decision to conclude the series by the creators, it seems unlikely to rejoice its renewal.
What Was The Show All About?
In season 1, the show focused on the lead Julien Baptiste, who, after recovering from surgery, goes on a mission to find a missing sex worker along with Edward, who claims to be the missing girl’s uncle. Both then pursue a journey through the underworld in the red light district of Amsterdam. In season 2, the character is seen in Budapest solving another mystery of the Chambers family.
Who Were All There In It?
The cast included Tchéky Karyo in the role of Julien Baptiste, Trystan Gravelle in the role of Greg, Tom Hollander in the role of Edward Stratton, Anastasia Hille in the role of Celia Baptiste, Jessica Raine in the role of Genevieve Taylor, Clare Calbraith in the role of Clare, Talisa Garcia in the role of Kim Vogel, Anna Próchniak in the role of Natalie Rose, Alec Secăreanu in the role of Constantin, Barbara Sarafian in the role of Martha Horchner.
Nicholas Woodeson will be seen in the role of Peter, Fiona Shaw in the role of Emma Chambers, Boris Van Severen in the role of Niels Horchner, Gabriella Hámori in the role of Kamilla Agoston, Miklós Béres in the role of Andras Juszt, Conrad Khan in the role of Will Chambers, Stuart Campbell in the role of Alex Chambers and Dorka Gryllus in the role of Zsófia Arslan.
Where To Watch Previous Seasons Of Baptiste?
The second season can be watched by a US audience on PBS Masterpiece, or the episodes can be rented from iTunes. The first season can be watched on Netflix and BritBox, or alternatively can be bought from Amazon Prime Videos, iTunes, and Google Play Movies.