BoJack Horseman is an American adult animated comedy-drama web series created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. It is a story about the horse named BoJack Horseman who is planning to get back his forgotten relevance as a celebrity. The series shows his struggles with addiction and depression.
The first season premiered on Netflix on August 22, 2014. The series has introduced five seasons already which consists of 12 episodes each. It is about to introduce the final season, i.e. season 6, which will be in two parts. The main character of the series is Will Arnet. So season 6 is about to come on Netflix. The trailer of the series will most probably arrive by the end of December or in January 2020.
BoJack Horseman Season 6: Release date
The release date of the season 6 kept on delaying as it is the last season coming up to say goodbye to its fans. As season 6 is coming in 2 parts, the first part arrived October 25, 2019, and the second part will be coming on January 31, 2020. The fans are eagerly waiting for the final season to arrive.
In this series part one the season 6, came up with eight episodes, so part 2 is also likely to have eight episodes. Keeping in mind several mental health care issues, these series have wonderfully depicted the problems of depression, loneliness, etc. The series started in 2014 on Netflix, and since then it has continued to maintain its position among the most loved web series.
The series has been designed by a famous cartoonist Lisa Hanawalt, who was an excellent friend of Bob-Waksberg in high school. The show has also featured the closing songs at the end of every part. In the first part, the closing song was ‘Impossible’. The series had a positive response from the audience.
Season 3 got 67% approval by the audience and season 5 got 97% approval. The audience interests were maintained up to the last part and are still there. The audience is so excited and eagerly waiting for the final part.
BoJack Horseman Season 6: Cast
The cast of the series is not to be changed; it will remain the same.
The main character of this series is BoJack Horseman (who suffers from sadness, loneliness, and depression). Princess Carolyn, Peanut butter, Todd, Diane, and the other characters will be seen for the last time in the final part 2 of season 6.
Netflix will be releasing the trailer of the final part at the beginning of January 2020. So let’s wait for the final part of the BoJack Horseman has in store for us.