It seems Cardi B isn’t like any other Celebrity who would simply stay cool when trolls get in her way. Cardi B had snapped several trolls who passed on hate and disparaging comments about her and her kids. Just like any other Mother, she went defensive when people started objectifying her by getting her kids in the middle of the sea.
Lately, on Tuesday, Cardi B seemed not in the mood to withstand the continuous flow of hate tweets on her. She took her Twitter to handle and started retweeting every single mocking and criticizing comment by shutting netizens. In my personal opinion, I’m never in favor of criticizing someone’s work, lifestyle, or the crisis anyone is dealing with. It is just like the act of kicking someone down when he or she has already been knocked out.
Cardi B used the Emoji, which symbolizes mocking someone by putting your tongue out to latch the trolls down by showing that they are messing with the wrong person at the wrong time. She tweeted that these trolls want to see the worst side of her by tweeting, “wanna see a bad bitch do bad.” And indicated that she is down to pin everyone down in the ring.
All these Tweet Clashes started with a Troll Tweeting by tagging Cardi B and signing that she should get behind bars soon. To which Cardi B responded that she will be breaking hell of a lot of records and achieving an extraordinary height before ending up behind bars ( Now I personally sprung off the couch when I read this tweet because the grace Cardi B maintained shutting her troll at the same time was commendable).
All hell broke loose when one of the netizens questioned Cardi B on her parenting after ending up in jail. Indirectly the Netizen was dragging her kids into the conflict to make Cardi B vulnerable. All this Prison thing is hypothetical, and it seems only to incite hatred against Cardi B (because she never ended up being in jail).
To this tweet, Cardi B went furious and said that he has her husband to take good care of her kids and warned the netizens to stop being nosy and not to put his long sharp nose in everybody’s matters. After that, one of the cyber citizens supported Cardi B, which was very nice and thoughtful of him because staying mum when seeing some wrong happen is equally being involved in the wrong.
The Netizen in favor of Cardi B said that in the clash between the “Up” artist and all the trolls, the kids shouldn’t be dragged and kept out. The Kids Shouldn’t be made vulnerable because of the hatred towards Cardi B. To this, Cardi B reacted with a big EXACTLY!! And said that the whole time she was chilling around when trolls continued to bark behind her, and now that they have mentioned her kids, she isn’t staying quiet.
Later on, the Artist put on a screenshot that says that People never notice when you’re being provoked but get offended when you retaliate.
Lately, this week has been hectic for Cardi B as she pleaded not guilty of any charges claimed against her. The next hearing has been recorded for the next week. Cardi B has been charged with reckless and irrational endangerment and assault and, if convicted, can end up being behind bars for more than 4 years.
Currently, Cardi B is on Cloud Nine as one of the favorite actors who honored her. Penn Badgley of You Series has praised her for being so genuine to her fans and being an Expert in Social Media.