Chicago PD is one of the most popular American crime drama by Dick Wolf. The show’s ninth season premiered on September 22, 2021, and the eleven episodes have been released for the fans. The last episode was released on January 12 and was titled ‘The lies.’
As you can guess from the tile, the episode was filled with shocking lies, uncovered truths, blood spilled, and much more happened in the episode. So if you are a Chicago PD fan and you have missed watching the 11th episode for any reason, you don’t have to worry because we have got you covered here.
Episode 11 Recap
In the 11th episode, we have seen that Voight is infuriated and wants to know what unfolded and what Jimmy is doing after getting the information from her sources. Kevin believes Jimmy isn’t faithful to Tovar and also that the arrangement isn’t authentic, so he departs. As Jimmy is bound to contact them, Hailey believes they can drag Fernando in or hack into his cellphone.
Trudy Platt walks in and informs them that they all have more OD from Tovar’s defective supply. She is resisting the metal, but they are being summoned. As the person didn’t just disappear, Voight instructs everyone else to inspect every area Jimmy would visit and call their Superiors.
Episode 11 Highlights
Kevin sees the vehicle in an entrance, but Jimmy is nowhere to be found. When Kevin gets out of the vehicle, he notices that Tovar’s car is also parked nearby. He enters the complex in the night with no backing. Kevin enters the room, his rifle drawn, hearing screaming. He notices Jimmy pointing a pistol towards Tovar’s face. Kevin orders him to cast aside the pistol.
Jimmy insists that he’s just not foolish, but Kevin tells him that he led Nando to the emergency personally and that everything is fine. Jimmy isn’t sure he can believe Kevin, so he throws his pistol to the floor. He adds Jimmy would go to prison, but it isn’t just for murder, and he isn’t kidding when he says he can clean everything up and put everything behind him. Jimmy shoots and kills Tovar, causing Kevin to capture him.
Lies and Truth
Kevin waits for a minute as she declares that she will not extract anything from him, no matter what else he has to speak. He presents his badge and confesses to being a cop. She assumes it’s a joke since he believes he should really have informed her on this a number of years ago. She’s confused that why Kevin would lie about his occupation as Police. He claims to be aware of her dislike towards cops.
She argues that she despises the system but not all of the officers inside it. He does not believe it is as clear as that. She insists she would have recognized him and that he was mistaken as she would have waited since she worried about him. She asks that he leave since he confesses that he feels for her as well.
She pulls him away and tells him to go. Then, without saying anything further, he removes his badge and walks away, hesitating by her door before reluctantly nodding and leaving.
Where can You Watch This Show?
Chicago PD is available to stream on various platforms, including Netflix. You can enjoy the current season of this crime series on Peacock tv as it is also the official site of the series. All the latest episodes are also available to stream on Amazon Prime and Google Play TVs and Movies. You can also enjoy the previous seasons on HBO Max, Paramount+, and NBC channel.