Dexter is an American crime thriller series that first aired in October 2006 on Showtime. Set in Miami, the series follows Dexter, an adopted kid who suffers from trauma. After being adopted by Harry Morgan, a police officer, Dexter’s violent behavior is used to kill criminals. In order to hide the homicides committed by Dexter, he is appointed as a blood-spatter analyst by the Miami police department. From 2006 to 2013, Dexter has received positive reviews and remained a successful series.
Dexter Season 9: What Should You Know
In 2013 Showtime announced that season 8 would be the last season of Dexter. The premier of Dexter season 8 was the most-watched episode of the whole series. Almost after a decade, the series will return with the 9th season, under the title, Dexter: New Blood. What do we know about the plot of the series?
In the season 8 finale, it was shown that Dexter was living as a lumberjack after he avenged his sister Debra Morgan’s death and buried her at sea during a hurricane. It’s not clear what exactly will be the plot of season 9, unless you watch the show.
We do not want to spoil all the fun for you. We know you have waited too long for the show. And rest assured, we will not take away that fun from you. Until ofc, you ask for it. Then we can offer that to you too. But for now, we will assume that you are hooked to the show for all the thrill and drama it brings to your binging. Certainly not something we want to spoil. So, we will try to keep it as discreet as possible. We want you to have a happy binge time, along with the latest update that you seek for.
But after watching the teaser, you can tell that Dexter is now working as a sales associate for a fish and game supply company in New York by changing his identity as Jim Lindsay. You can only find out more after you start binging the 9th season, you can watch the series on Amazon Prime Video.
Release Date of Dexter Season 9
Teasers of season 9 have been released, which you can watch on YouTube. And so have the show. It ran from 2021 – 2022. The filming and production for season 9 ended in July 2021, and the show was aired by the fall of 2021.
But it has certainly left us wanting for more from this hot series. And we cannot wait for the release of its next part. And we cannot deny the fact that this show keeps us glued to the screen for long. With so much thrill and suspense that runs around the plot. We have been equally into the show. And a total nerd about it too. We are definitely sailing in the same boat, dawg.
Cast of Dexter Season 9
Michael C Hall will be reprising his character, Dexter. The new supporting cast includes Julia Jones, who plays Iron Lake’s Native American Chief of Police; Jane Virgin Alum alum Alano Miller plays Iron Lake PD sergeant; and Jamie Chung plays the role of a famous crime podcaster from LA. The cast of season 9 has been trending in all the OTT platforms and social media. Given all the love and following they have been receiving after the show got aired.
From the teasers and news, you can look forward to a great revival of Dexter after a decade, most probably in the next season of this show. Many viewers were disappointed by how Dexter had a floppy ending in season 8 and had expected better. Their expectations were met in the season 9 of the show Dexter. With this new season, the show will get a chance to give a great ending.
Keep an eye out for further updates about Dexter and its release details on Dexter season 10.