Escape the Undertaker is an American Halloween special short movie by Ben Simms. WWE Studios produce this movie in collaboration with Netflix. The movie is all about wrestling, the way they fight and win. The story will show a character, The Undertaker, who will be the story’s main protagonist. He will have the power of urn and, with its help, torture The New Day, the best team of WWE.
He will make the audience choose between him and the opponent to escape from the mansion. Overall if you are a fan of wrestling or want to know about this movie before watching it, then you are in the right place. Here is everything you need to know about the movie before watching it.
Worth Watching or Not
The movie was released on 5 October 2021 and received average ratings. It received a mixed response and very little view. The majority of people who are fans of wrestling watched this movie. It was rated 4.4 out of 10 on IMDb, which is quite less.
Where to Watch
Netflix is has set several releases in the Halloween season and has come up with an exciting movie with WWE characters this time. “Escape the Undertaker” was released on October 5, 2021. It is a Netflix original movie, so it is expected only to be released there. Although it might be possible that you get to see the movie on another platform in the near future, but as for now, only Netflix subscribers can watch this movie.
Storyline with Spoilers
Escape The Undertaker will showcase the main two things the escape room and the haunted house. The Undertaker will have the power of the urn and The New Day has the power of positivity. In the story, we will see that The New Day team is captured in a haunted mansion owned by The Undertaker. The New Day team will have to face many challenges and will have to make many difficult choices to escape from that haunted house.
It will be very difficult for the New Day team to defeat The Undertaker with his urn power. So they will decide to acquire or destroy the urn. After the urn will be destroyed and The Undertaker will disappear suddenly and completely. The New Day team will vacate from that haunted house through a coffin. The team members will congratulate each other for destroying the urn and defeating The Undertaker.
Big E will get his soul back. Later, The Undertaker was seen sitting in a chair and clapping. He will appreciate the audience to escape from the haunted house alive.
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The announcement of this rare collaboration between Netflix and WWE is a bit crazy or, more precisely, ludicrous. The Undertaker, owner of that horrible house, will have many powers but will become most powerful with the urn. He has kept the urn in a locker and the keys in his haunted house. The New Day team will comprise three men who will characterize the present generation in sports. With Netflix’s multimedia technology, the New Day team will be directed to escape the urn and their lives.