The American animated series “F is for Family” is an adult animated sitcom. The creators of the animated series are Bill Burr and Michael Price. As of now, the series has released a total of five seasons. The plot of the series follows the life of a dysfunctional suburban family. F is for Family season 1 was premiered on December 18, 2015. Recently, season 5 of the series was released on November 25, 2021, on Netflix.
The animated series has an amazing line-up of the personalities who had to lend their voices for the series. The list includes Bill Burr (Frank X. Murphy), Laura Dern (Susan Murphy), Justin Long (Kevin Murphy), Haley Reinhart (William Murphy), Debi Derryberry (Maureen Murphy), and Sam Rockwell (Vic Reynolds).
What are Fans Talking About After Watching F is for Family Season 5?
The trailer of season 5 of the animated series had already caused a huge buzz among its fanbase as the trailer beautifully portrays an emotional build-up. Season 5 is considered to be the final season of the famous animated series; F is for Family. This season is all about how Frank tries to cope up with the news of his father’s death. On the other hand, Sue will be trying her best to keep the family emotionally strong.
After watching the trailer, the fans were already very much intrigued to know the overall concept for season 5. And now, when the series is finally streaming on Netflix, the fans have already binged watched it, and now they just can’t hold onto their reactions as Twitter is flooded with the reactions from the fans. Also, the fans of the series just can’t accept the fact that the series is finally concluding with the release of the recent season.
A Small Brief on What is This Season About
As the trailer has already been explained above, the plot follows with Kevin being clingy to Alice, which might lead her to distance herself from Kevin. We will see how Vic will be a good father to his newborn baby. On the other hand, the creepy eyeball which Maureen has and that she wants to use to call the people from the afterlife.
We would also see how Bill finally confesses something very shocking to Frank, though he managed to keep that as a secret for a very long time. This is just the gist of it so, don’t forget to binge-watch the animated series to know the complete details.
What Does Box 16 Stand for in Season 5 of F is for Family?
Box 16 is the final word from Frank’s father. Frank was expecting a lot of things and tried to find some plausible meaning to it. As he set on a hunt to find about box 16, he finally met Dick in a bar. Dick then clarifies that it is not “Box 16” but “Bach 16”. His last words are nothing but just a song request. Frank’s father just wanted that song to be played at his funeral.
Will There be a Sixth Season of F is for Family?
Well, that won’t be the case. As Netflix renewed the series for the fifth season, this season stands as the finale of the series.