Fairfax is an American coming-of-age comedy-drama series that revolves around a group of modern-day middle schoolers in Los Angeles. The show gained a lot of popularity due to its highly relatable comic content mirrored modern-day society, where social status and social media popularity counts for everything. The show was created by Mathew Hausfater, Aaron Buchsbaum, and Teddy Riley and has received quite a lot of appreciation from the critics as well as the audience.
Fairfax was announced in January 2020 for two seasons. Since season 1 has already been released, one can expect that season 2 is already on its way and hence the excitement amongst the audience for season 2 of their favorite comedy series is no less.
What are the Facts and What are the Speculations Around the Release of Season 2?
Fairfax season 1 was released on October 29, 2021, on Amazon Prime Video and consisted of a total of 8 episodes. With the series being announced for the initial two seasons, speculations revolving around whether or not the second season will be releasing have started doing rounds.
There will be a total of 8 episodes in season 2 of Fairfax, and the official sources have confirmed this, hence Fairfax season 2 is definitely on the cards. If speculations are to be believed, Fairfax season 2 can be releasing anytime in 2022.
When is it Releasing and Where to Watch?
Fairfax is an Amazon Prime Video original series, and season 1 has already been released on October 29, 2021, on Amazon Prime Video and season 2 is already on the cards. However, there has been no confirmation from the maker’s side as to when the Fairfax season will be released. If speculations are to be believed, Fairfax season 2 can be released anytime in 2022 and will be available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
What can be the Probable Storyline?
Season 1 of Fairfax depicted a group of modern-day middle schoolers in Los Angeles. The show gained a lot of popularity due to its highly relatable comic content mirrored modern-day society, where social status and social media popularity counts for everything. The series showed how these bunch of kids take up their journey in the digitalized world, and season 2 might pick from where season 1 ended.
There might be some new additions to the characters, and there might be some new adventures awaiting for the kids.
Who is in the Cast?
The four main leads of the show include Skyler Gisondo, who plays the character of Dale; Jaboukie Young-White, who plays the character of Truman, Peter S. Kim who plays the character of Benny; and Kiersey Clemons, who plays the character of Derica, who will definitely resume their parts and others like J.B Smoove who played the character of Quattro, and John Leguizamo who plays the character of Glenn.
Colton Dun, who plays the character of Principal Weston, along with a few others, might or might not be back for season 2, and this is not confirmed yet. However, some new characters might be a part of season 2 as per the speculations.