Detective fiction drama TV show called Father Brown is slightly inspired by G. K. Chesterton’s short series dark goes by the same name. Featuring Mark Williams in the lead roles as a crime-solving Roman Catholic priest, the show hit the screens on January 14, 2013, on BBC One.
Recently, a new series made its debut on BBC One, this January 3. Keeping all soap operas aside, Father Brown becomes the 2nd longest-running drama show that airs on the BBC one.
About Season 9 of Father Brown
The 9th season of father brown has already hit the screens on BBC One. Currently being in the top ratings, with a rating of 7.7 out of 10 on IMDb, the TV series touched its 100 episodes mark on January 3, 2022, i.e., with season 9 episode one.
Now, the show has its fans desperately awaiting the upcoming eighth episode that will be releasing this Wednesday. So continue reading to enlighten yourself with every detail that is there to know about season 9, episode 8 of father brown. We have every detail you need to know about the show’s upcoming episode.
Father Brown Season 9 Episode 8 Release Date
The eighth episode of the current season 9 is released on January 12 on BBC One. With the title ‘The Wayward Girls,’ the eighth episode of the detective drama TV show has already got a huge population stuck to their screens. Not just that, the show has also declared about its upcoming season 10, the release of which will make it the longest-running show next to Doctor Who on the BBC Network.
What to Expect from Father Brown Season 9 Episode 8?
This time the audience will get to see Lady Felicia and her hubby Monty in another twisted storyline. With the murder of the Minister of Defence, Sir Charles Hakeworth, we are assuming that a masked murderer is most probably a man as the ID of the murderer is near disclosure. The masked figure as a masked man because of the killer’s identity has almost been disclosed.
Also, in the time of the lockdown, the father brown team shirt dig out every information that they can on the murderer and whether it is a man or a woman.
Father Brown Season 9 Episode Count
The currently running ninth season of Father Brown will have 10 episodes, of which 7 have already premiered on BBC One. So the audience and the fans can expect the show to have the season by January 14, 2022. So sorry, it won’t be a long time before we see the final episode of Father Brown Season 9.
Father Brown Cast and Characters
We have Sorcha Cusack in the role of Mrs. McCarthy, with Mark Williams as Father Brown and John Burton as Sergeant Goodfellow. Then there is Jack Deam playing Inspector Mallory, Alex Price as Sid Carter, Nancy Carroll as Lady Felicia, and Emer Kenny playing Bunty. We also have Tom Chambers as Inspector Sullivan, followed by notable actors like Keith Osborn, Hugo Speer, Kasia Koleczek, John Light, Alan Williams, and Roger May.