The upcoming American sequel to the classic 1990s horror comedy movie, Hocus Pocus 2, has the story written by Jen D’Angelo while direction has been done by Anne Fletcher earlier to be done by Adam Shankman, who is owing to prior commitments, had to drop the project. The production has been credited to Lynn Harris for Walt Disney Pictures. The shooting was scheduled to begin in the 2021 summer but got postponed to Autumn this year.
Well, having said this, all the fans must be excited to know when the movie will be out for viewing. Fortunately, we have covered you and will share all the details about Hocus Pocus 2 so far.
What do We Know About Hocus Pocus 2 Release and Production So Far?
Back in December of last year, it was finally unveiled by Disney that the much-awaited sequel to popular 1993 classic Hocus Pocus will be made. The official release date for the movie hasn’t been out yet, but going by Bette Milder’s tweet mentioned that the second part will be arriving in Autumn of next year, i.e., 2022. on Disney+. Thus it can be presumed that the movie might be available by Halloween of 2022, but no confirmation till the official news is out.
The movie has kick-started its production for the second installment from October 18, 2021, on Rhode Island and is expected to carry it on till the year-end. Let’s hope that everything goes well with the making without any hiatus so that it lands on our screens in 2022 itself. The trailer of the same will also be available around the same time and not this year.
What will Hocus Pocus 2 be About?
When the movie was renewed for its sequel in May this year, the expected plot of the movie was also shared, which meant that the story would focus on the return of the witch Sanderson trio to modern Salem by the present-day women accidentally. Now they will have to figure out how to stop the sisters who are child hungry to wreak havoc in today’s world.
The book sequel was also made back in 2018, which had a somewhat similar plot. It comprised a girl named Poppy who has a crush on another girl Isabella and to impress the latter, Poppy enters the Sanderson house and accidentally brings the witch sisters back to life. However, it cannot be certainly said that the movie will follow the same plot or not.
Who can All be Seen in Hocus Pocus 2?
The famous witch trio will be back again in this sequel. It includes Bette Midler in the role of Winifred, Sarah Jessica Parker in the role of Sarah, and Kathy Najimy in the role of Mary Sanderson, thus reprising their earlier characters. To be honest, the trio’s presence will surely bring back the excitement this time while it was watching the initial movie.
But other than these, it is highly uncertain who all will be making a comeback in the sequel – whether Omri Katz in the role of Max Dennison, Doug Jones in the role of Billy Butcherson, Vinessa Shaw in the role of Allison and Thora Birch in the role of Dani Dannison, as they did in the first part. But the presence of Sam Richardson (Veep) is certain enough by now.
Where will Hocus Pocus 2 be Available to Watch?
Hocus Pocus 2 will certainly premiere on Disney+ exclusively somewhat around the Autumn of 2022. So the viewers who would like to watch the movie as soon as it releases should get a subscription to the platform. Till then, viewers can dwell on the original Hocus Pocus on Disney+ itself and thus satiate their typical witch movie fantasy!