Batman Begins is a 2005 superhero film based on the DC comics; the film was directed and written by Christopher Nolan. The film had a stellar cast that included Christian Bale, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Tom Wilkinson, etc. The film was directed thoughtfully, and fans have loved it; and even in 2022, the film is going strong with an impressive rating of 4.8 on IMDB. The film later had two more sequels, completing the trilogy of the Dark Knight; later, DC films decided to reboot the film.
Is It Available On Netflix?
Batman Begins, the DC masterpiece by Christopher Nolan, is not available for streaming currently on Netflix due to the streaming rights of the film, as it is available on Hulu and HBO Max, which was released in 2020 and instantly, it became the hub where one can stream all the DC movies.
More On The Movie
Since a single movie can be available on different OTT platforms depending on the region where the service of the OTT platform is available and which OTT platform has bought the streaming rights of that film because it depends on the popularity of the film and if it can regain the amount spent on it.
As a result, Batman Begins has been available on almost every streaming platform except Disney+. And due to the streaming rights, every TV series and movie will face a shake-up after a couple of months. It solely depends on the OTT platform if they want to renew the movie or series for similar reasons mentioned in the above paragraph.
Return On Netflix
A few days ago, Netflix released a list of their upcoming films and TV series, either released or returned on the popular streaming platform, and Batman Begins is on the list. People who have been a member of Netflix for a few years know that Netflix and Batman Begins have a weird relationship where the latter often comes and goes after a couple of months. The trilogy’s first chapter is returning on Netflix on 1st February 2022, in the USA region.
The only strange reason about this return is that only Batman Begins, and The Dark Night, the first two chapters of the Dark Knight trilogy by Christopher Nolan, is returning next month. However, the first two movies of the trilogy are also making their way to Hulu on 1st February 2022. This means that three OTT platforms avail their viewers the leisure to watch the first two chapters of the movie simultaneously.
The Plot Of The Movie
The film’s plot is how a young Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) has traveled to the Far East, where he learns martial arts from Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson), a mysterious figure and an associate of the League of Shadows.
When Henri Ducard revealed the true intention of the League of Shadows, that is, the destruction and anarchy in Gotham City, to young Wayne, he left the League and came back to Gotham City with an intent to reduce the criminal activities without committing any murder. He resorted to help from Alfred (Michael Caine), his trusty butler, and Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), the tech expert in Wayne enterprises, hence Batman comes to life.