KIMI is an upcoming sci-fi thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh, and this is his third collaboration with HBO Max. David Koepp writes the film, and the film’s trailer has created immense excitement among the fans of the stars and the directors, as they are waiting excitedly. David Koepp and Michael Polaire produce the film. The film will have a run time of 149 minutes.
The Expected Plot
The plot of Kimi is based in an agoraphobic world where the world is entirely dependent and ruled by technology. Kimi is a voice-activated digital assistant that can help us in everyday activities such as helping with groceries, setting important reminders, searching for information present on the internet.
Besides these features, Kimi can also record every sound and image in and around your home. As a result, the company became very powerful as people bought this device where technology rules them.
Angel Childs, the protagonist of this film, is an audio stream interpreter, and she comes across a suspicious recording that most likely sounds like a murder. In order to solve this crime, the protagonist must leave her home and go after KIMI’s company, hoping that they will do something with the proof she found. However, things took a terrible turn as her mission will put her in grave danger, as the owners of KIMI will do anything to keep the secret of how invasive their new technology is in this world.
The Cast Of The Film
Zoë Kravitz will be the protagonist of the film, as she has impressed her fans and the critics with her performance as she has worked in some of the biggest and most popular films in Hollywood, X-Men: First Class, the Divergent Franchise, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald are the movies she has worked in, she has also worked in HBO’s Big Little Lies, and High Fidelity.
The other cast members are Rita Wilson, who has worked in Girls, Gloria Bell, Runaway Bride, Devin Ratray, Erika Christensen, India de Beaufort, Byron Bowers, Emily Kuroda, Jacob Vargas, Jaime Camil, and Robin Givens.
Release Date
KIMI will release on 10th February 2022, and it will only be getting a digital release.
Where To Watch?
KIMI is only getting a digital release, and it will be available exclusively on HBO Max. People interested in watching the movie can watch it here by purchasing a membership that would give them access to a multitude of popular films and series that you can watch without getting bored. However, HBO Max is available only in the US, and therefore it will be available in the US.
People who live outside the US have to wait for some time because it might take some time to find an OTT platform that will purchase the streaming rights of the film, or maybe HBO Max will expand its service to other parts of the world because KIMI is made exclusively for HBO Max. Hence, there is a fair chance that they might avail their service in the UK and Australia. However, fans should wait for an official announcement from the OTT platform.