Directed and written by Pail Thomas Anderson, Licorice Pizza is a comedy film released on limited screens on November 26, 2021. Starring Cooper Hoffman, Alana Haim, Bradely Cooper, Sean Penn, Tom Waits, and others, the movie has been produced by Anderson accompanied by Adam Somner and Sara Murphy.
The movie has got positive critical acclaim and stands an approval scoring 92% on Rotten Tomatoes and a whooping 94 score out of 100 on Metacritic, making it overall a good watch. After watching this masterpiece on the big screen, let’s find out what fans have to say, and will it be worth our time?
What are Fans Talking About the Movie After Watching it in Theatres?
The writer-director of the movie Paul Thomas Anderson takes its audience on a ride in the gone era of the 1970s when gas shortages are creating tensions among the people of California, Japanese food outlets are an exotic affair, Television airs Variety shows. A technology called sleep bed is gaining immense popularity.
Set among these conditions is a love story of a 15-year-old Gary Valentine and 25 years old Alana Kane and how their young raging blood sets them onto different career tracks and how to avoid falling for each other. They try to love other individuals, but this only strengthens their connection. The exactness of the entire scenario is beautifully and intimately depicted by the creator as if we are flipping through someone’s scrapbook to the older days.
The duo does not share direct romantic gestures but Alana accompanying Valentine for his TV appearance in New York and being his partner in the water bed business indicates how Alana begins to get drawn by Valentine’s charm. And the fans love it. How to avoid each other they come closer. The Fresh leads appeal of the movie definitely raised eyebrows initially but watching Cooper Hoffman perform exceptionally leaves no doubt that fans are already loving him to bits.
And Alana Haim, hands down, with her wild, empathetic, hopeful, envious, and lovely soul, put the movie in the exact age of 1970s, and it’s tough to tell that this is her debut project. Licorice Pizza leaves fans wanting for more with such a refreshing lead caste, stellar appearances by recognized celebrities, and good old days stories of love, self-discovery, and growing up.
What is the Movie All About?
The movie follows young blood Gary Valentine and Alana Kane and how while discovering their true identities, they come closer to each other and resist the same, especially Kane. Valentine is a teen performer while Kane is an assistant photographer in the firm, and both end up knowing each other when the later happens to come to Valentine’s high school for yearbook snapshots.
Then ensues the journey of love, jealousy, ambition, self-discovery, failures, and success and how they manage to stick around despite the falls.
Is it Worth the Time?
This coming-of-age rom-com is definitely the funkiest movie of the year with outstanding performances by newcomers Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman and will surely keep you hooked as soon as you begin to watch it. From one scene to another that the duo ends up into, it is a fun ride that defies the pattern of conventional movie-making.
Watching the love birds come close and then drift apart and then again see each other is such a rush; although nothing is done directly, everything is understood. The charm and warmth of Kane will surely keep her alive in the memories of the audience who would be drawn to Haim’s subsequent project naturally. So do not forget to give this one a try!
Where to Watch it?
The movie, as of now, is available for limited theatrical screening in Los Angeles and New York but will go for nationwide screening on December 25, 2021, for a larger audience. But if someone wants to enjoy the movie on OTT platforms, then, unfortunately, they’ll have to wait for some time as the online release is not yet on the cards.