Locke and Key was premiered on February 7, 2020, an American fantasy and horror television drama series. The series is inspired by Gabriel Rodriguez and Joe Hill’s comic series that is titled Locke and Key. Aron Eli Coleite, Carton Cuse, and Meredith Averill are the creators of this famous horror series. As of now, two seasons of Locke and Key have been released so far and Netflix.
The official partners for the series have announced that the series has been renewed for a third season, which might be released in 2022. The fans want to know what is in store for them in season 3 of Locke and Key. The plotline of the series revolves around many mysterious keys for doors that open to mysterious paths that the Locke family has discovered.
What are Fans Talking About it on Reddit?
Locke and Key season 2 ended in the fall of 2021 and has been considered to be one of the best shows recently. However, with the ending of season 2, fans are already excited for the release of season 3, and there has been a long thread of discussions on Reddit about the same. While one user said that Netflix might make season 3 the last season of Locke and Key.
And other discussed about certain loopholes that they don’t want to see in season 3. One user said that there was a lack of urgency in season 2, and another said that it is high time that the secrets outside the Locke family end up making things more complicated.
The fans also want the involvement of Nina as one of the users pointed out how keeping Nina in the dark might be a mistake for the show. Since Comics inspires the show, one user pointed out that the return to darker storytelling like in the comics would create more impact. The makers would definitely want to take these suggestions from the fans and inculcate the changes in season 3 to make it worth a watch.
What is Locke and Key Season 3 About
Locke and Key’s plotline revolves around many mysterious keys for doors that open to mysterious paths that the Locke family has discovered. According to Cuse, some great adventures have been planned for season 3, and the focus will lay more on the family. There will be changes in the dynamics of the family members, and many twists are awaiting in season 3.
Who is in the Cast?
The cast of Locke and Key season 3 might include Connor Jessup, Jackson Robert Scott, Emilia Jones, Darby Stanchfield, Aaron Ashmore, Petrice Jones, Brendon Hines, and Kevin Durand in their respective characters.
When Is It Releasing And Where To Watch It?
The series has been renewed for a third season, which might be released in 2022. The series can be watched exclusively on Netflix.