Long Slow Exhale is a sports drama series created by Pam Veasey. The direction has been done by Anton Cropper while along with him, Pam Veasey, Casey Haver, Bruna Papandrea, and John Dove have executively produced it.
This basketball drama series has finished its first season, and the audience, as well as the critics, are praising it for a good storyline and phenomenal acting by the stars. So if you are wondering whether the show will be out with its season 2 or not, then this article will help you solve your dilemma to an extent. So give it a read till the end.
Will Long Slow Exhale Season 2 Happen Or Is It Just Speculation?
The foremost season of Long Slow Exhale premiered on April 2nd this year and concluded on April 25th on Spectrum Originals and BET. This 12-episode long season 1 was liked by the audience and gained positive feedback from everywhere.
But when it comes to season 2 of the show, we have no sure answer to it. The creators have not shared any renewal or cancellation news of the show as of now. But looking at the positive reception of the show, it can be likely that the show can make a return with a new season.
To add to it, the show has enough material to work upon and creators can come up with a new season easily. So let’s be hopeful that the show comes out with a brand new season really soon. Till then we will have to take this information with a pinch of salt!
When Will Long Slow Exhale Season 2 Release?
If the creators decide to give season 2 of Long Slow Exhale a green flag, then we can expect them to share the news as soon as towards the end of summer this year. And if everything goes well, with finalised scripts, casting and location for shooting, then the show should land on our screen anytime in 2023.
But yes, this is just a wild probability we are talking here about and will have to wait for the official announcement to be certain of. So let’s hope for the best.
Who All Can Be There in Long Slow Exhale Season 2?
If we get a season 2 of Long Slow Exhale, we can likely see Rose Rollins reprising her role of J.C Abernathy, along with Ian Harding as Eddie Hagan, Lyriq Bent as Garrett, Shalini Bathina as Emily Fisk, Jazmine Stewart as Verdelle, Gabrielle Byndloss as Vivian, Isabella LaBlanc as Elfrida, Brittney Elena as Corrine Porter and Enya Flack as Jillian making their likely comeback for the new season.
However, new members can also be added to the list in place in order to keep up with the new storyline.
What Can Long Slow Exhale Season 2 Be About?
The new season, if likely to happen, will pick from where the previous one ended. Towards the end of season 1 we saw J.C. be able to solve the sexual allegation scandal but the accusition of the murder of Hillman gets focused on her and her husband Garrett. The new season will likely see J.C. and Garrett trying their best to solve the chaotic situation they have landed in along with new names among the University’s faculty come up in Hillman’s killing.
However, the makers can also decide to put a new story arc with twists and turns and some unexpected revelations. All this will only be confirmed once we get the official announcement. So till then all we can do is wait patiently.