Lucifer is an American urban fantasy drama series that first aired in 2016. Directed by Tom Kapinos, Lucifer was first aired on Fox TV and later premiered on Netflix. The series is inspired and based on a character from DC Comics taken from the comic series The Sandman. The plot of Lucifer revolves around Lucifer Morningstar, who plays the role of the devil, who leaves hell and comes to Los Angeles and runs his own nightclub, as well as is a consultant for LAPD.
The series has been running with a total of 5 seasons with 83 episodes as of now and is all set for the release of its 6th season on September 10, 2021, which, if rumors are to be believed, is the concluding season of the series. Even though the series did not have a great start and received mixed responses from the audience, with the later seasons, it gained immense popularity and has a huge fan base.
Is it Ending with Season 6?
Lucifer has been running successfully for the last 5 seasons and has gathered a huge fan base, given the intriguing storyline of an urban fantasy and Tom Ellis’s amazing acting skills. The season 6 of Lucifer is all set to release on September 10, 2021.
However, in June 2020, Netflix officially confirmed that Lucifer season 6 would be the concluding season of the series, and this has definitely shattered some fan hearts who wanted more of Lucifer. With Lucifer’s saga finally coming to an end with season 6, it will be intriguing to know what the creators have in store for the audience in the upcoming season. Season 6 of Lucifer can be streamed on Netflix.
Season 6 Expected Plot and Cast
Season 5 ended with Lucifer being declared as the new God after Michael’s defeat. The 6th season might show Lucifer in his new celestial role, which might come with its own set of twists and turns. Season 6 might also discover the romantic angle between Lucifer and Chloe, and the makers might explore beyond what comes after the “happily ever after.”
Several other branches of the plotline might explore Amanadiel, who is now with Police Academy, Linda’s efforts to build a relationship with her daughter, and even the problems in Maze and Eve’s relationship along with Rory’s devilish intentions. There are speculations that Chloe might be pregnant or get immortal. The official release of the titles somewhat has ignited the fan’s wait more. The titles for the ten episodes of season 6 are:
- Episode 1- Nothing Ever Changes Around Here
- Episode 2- Buckets of Baggage
- Episode 3- Yabba Dabba Do Me
- Episode 4- Pin The Tail OnThe Baddie
- Episode 5- The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar
- Episode 6- A Lot Dirtier Than That
- Episode 7- My Best Friend
- Episode 8- Save The Devil, Save The World
- Episode 9- Goodbye, Lucifer
- Episode 10- Partners’ Til The End
The cast of Lucifer season 6 is expected to remain more or less the same with Tom Ellis playing the titular role of Lucifer, D.B Woodside as Amenadiel, Lauren German as Chloe, Lesley- Ann as Mazikeen, Rachel Harris as Dr. Linda, Aimee Garcia as Ella and Scarlett Estevez as Trixie Espinoza. Two new characters will be Sonya, played by Merrin Dungey, and Rory, played by Brianna Hildebrand.