Malignant is an American horror movie which is directed by James Wan. It is based on an original story by James, Ingrid Bisu and Cooper. The cast of the movie Malignant consists of Annabelle Wallis, Maddie Hasson, Michole Briana White, George Young. Malignant will be releasing on HBO Max on September 10, 2021, in the United States. It had to be released earlier, but it has to be postponed due to the corona pandemic.
The Storyline or the Plot of the Movie
Madison is paralyzed in the movie by shocking visions of murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are not dreams but horrifying reality. The plot of the film opens with a psychiatric hospital that looks spooky. However, inside, a doctor declares that her treatment of an invisible patient has failed and it is time to cut out cancer.
After that, when they jump into the present, our put-upon pregnant heroine is subjected to some unpleasant abuse by her family members, leaving her with a perpetually weeping head wound. It is followed by a home invasion, in which her husband was murdered, and she got hospitalized because of her miscarriage, which is the latest one in her series of miscarriages. Then, after her release, she witnesses a string of violent murders perpetrated by the same figure that attacked her in her home.
Whole Star Cast
- Annabelle Wallis plays Madison “Maddie” Mitchell
- young Madison Mitchell, which Mckenna Grace plays
- Sydney Lake, which Maddie Hasson plays
- Detective Kekoa Shaw, which George Young plays
- Michele Briana White plays detective Regina Moss
- Dr. Florence Weaver, which Jacqueline McKenzie plays
- Derek Mitchell, which Jake Abel plays
- Jeanne, which Susanna Thompson plays
- Winnie, which Ingrid Bisu plays
- Dr. Victor Fields, which Christian Clemenson plays
- Scorpion, which Zoe Bell plays
- Gabriel, which Marina Mazepa plays
Release Date
Malignant was released theatrically in France on September 1 and will be released in the united states on September 10. Originally it had to be released on April 14, 2020, but due to the Covid-19 situation, it has to be delayed and rescheduled and now it is going to be released on September 10, 2021.
Review: Watch It or Skip It?
The movie Malignant will be a treat for horror lovers due to its climax. Because the climax has a jaw-dropping revelation, making it a must-watch movie for everyone who is even a little bit interested in horror movies. The plot of the movie malignant is an amazingly developed one. The characters have done a great job, and it looks like they are made for this only. This movie is a thumbs up and a must-watch whether you love horror movies or not.