Mom is an American television sitcom series that was first aired on September 23, 2013. Gemma Baker, Eddie Gorodetsky, and Chuck Lorre are the directors of the series, and the series has run successfully for a total of 8 seasons so far. The plotline of the series revolves around the complex and dysfunctional relationships of a mother and daughter who battled with drug addiction and were separated for several years.
They try to pull their lives together when they decide to attend Alcoholics Anonymous and what follows is their bittersweet journey with their own share of an emotional and personal roller-coaster. The series was highly appreciated, and the fans definitely want a season 9 of their favorite series. However, whether season 9 is on the cards or not depends on the makers.
Is Mom Season 9 Really Happening, Or Is It Just A Rumour?
Mom is an American television sitcom series that was first aired on September 23, 2013. The series has been running successfully for the last eight seasons and has an average rating of 8.1/ 10 on Rotten Tomatoes; and has gained wide critical acclaim for its unique plotlines and great acting.
However, according to CBS, the official networking partner of Mom, revealed during the announcement of the season 8 finale that season 8 will be the concluding season of this much-loved comedy series. The fans definitely want a season 9, but any news regarding the release of it is a pure rumor, and season 9 is officially canceled as of now.
What Is Mom About?
Mom is an American television sitcom series that was first aired on September 23, 2013. The plotline of the series revolves around the complex and dysfunctional relationships of a mother and daughter named Christy Plunkett and Bonnie Plunkett who battled with drug addiction and were separated for several years.
They try to pull their lives together when they decide to attend Alcoholics Anonymous and what follows is their bittersweet journey with their own share of an emotional and personal roller-coaster. Both Bonnie and Christy go on to lead the lives they always dreamt of, and the show also gives insights into the lives of Christy’s friends. The series is a bittersweet journey of comedy, love, and friendship that makes the audience hooked to the show.
Who Is In The Cast?
The cast of Mom includes Anna Faris, who plays the lead role of Christy Plunkett. Allison Janney, who plays the lead role of Bonnie Plunkett, Sadie Calvano, who plays the role of Violet Plunkett, Nate Corddry, who plays the role of Gabriel, Matt James, who plays the role of Baxter, French Stewart who plays the role of Rudy along with several others.
Where To Watch It?
Mom originally aired on CBS, and the series can be seen on the official website of CBS. Those who wish to stream all the eight seasons of Mom online can stream it on OTT platforms like Amazon Prime Video. As of now, Mom is available only on these specified platforms.