Moon Knight is the latest series released by Marvel Cinematic Universe. First aired on March 30, 2022, it is the newest addition to the fourth phase of MCU. Episode 6 of Moon Knight was released on May 4, 2022. Fans are curious to know if there is another episode coming their way.
As of now, Moon Knight consists of 6 episodes only. The release of another episode is not guaranteed or expected from the show’s makers. So, episode 6, titled “Gods and Monsters,” may be considered the final episode of the series first season.
Can We Expect Another Season of Moon Knight?
Marvel has not made any official announcement for the release of season 2 of Moon Knight. The actors and the directors of the show have continuously emphasized the show being a limited series throughout the promotions, making it unlikely for the show to have a continuation in the form of another season. Like Moon Knight, Wanda Vision was also a limited series; hence, it was only given a single season.
Even though the chances of getting a second season are low, the show’s makers are positive that the character will reappear on the big screen. Mohammad Diab, the show director, said that he could see Moon Knight making a reappearance in the upcoming years. He further adds that people will find the show relatable, so he can see the character staying beyond the series storyline for a longer time.
Moon Knight’s Executive Producer, Grant Curtis, explained that season 2 was never planned or discussed. But there will be a continuation, which is not yet envisioned.
They imply that fans can remain positive about seeing Moon Knight in the coming future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Where To Watch Moon Knight?
Marvel’s Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney+ for international viewers. All six episodes of the first season of Moon Knight have been released on the mentioned OTT platforms.
What Is Moon Knight About?
Moon Knight’s story revolves around a gift shop employee named Steven Grant, who starts experiencing blackouts and sees memories of another life. He gradually discovers that he has a psychological disorder called dissociative identity disorder; and that his mind is being shared with someone other than himself, Marc Spector. Marc is one of the avatars of Khonshu, a God of the Moon and a mercenary native to America. He has a strong drive to kill evil-doers and suffers from confidence issues.
Moon Knight: Cast of Season 1
Moon Knight’s star-studded cast features Oscar Issac as Marc Spector, May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly, Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow, F. Murray Abraham as Khonshu, Gaspard Ulliel as Anton Mogart, Fernanda Andrade as Wendy Spector, Rey Lucas as Elias Spector, Sofia Danu as Ammit, LoicMabanza as Bek and Khalid Abdalla as Selim.